Stories Around the Web - May 17

Originally published Friday, 17 May 2013.

Here are some of our favorite stories and articles from around the web this week. What did we miss? Let us know in the comments section! 

Examining Adoption Ethics: Part One by Jen Hatmaker
This is a must-read article for anyone interested in the adoption process. A challenging read; we're looking forward to what Jen writes next.

I so want this to not be true, but I keep hearing it over and over in Ethiopia, Haiti, Uganda, Congo, everywhere. The missionaries and locals are saying something very disturbing: so often vulnerable birth moms are coerced and misled, families are manipulated and deceived, children are flat out bought. International adoption is Big Business.

The Friendship Divorce by JenJ at A Deeper Family
For anyone who's had a broken relationship with a close friend.

But, time has given me perspective and I’m very happy that that friendship no longer consumes my life. While I don’t hold a grudge, every once in a while, I do long deeply for absolution, that vindication I’d been looking for…because I’m human.

Your Child and Sexual Abuse by Sarah Mae
Sarah wrote this after the Penn State scandal. if you haven't read it yet, it's got some great tips on how to talk to your children about abuse.

Listen! Always listen to your children. They can’t always communicate clearly. If they say they don’t like someone or don’t want to be around them, or they say, “bad person” or anything like that, listen! It may be their way of alerting you.

10 Books Everyone Should Read by 25-ish - Nicole Unice via Relevant 
We love Nicole Unice, and we love her book list- which ones have you read?

A good book changes us. The right words speak out what we have hidden in the deepest of places. A good book lifts our eyes beyond the ordinary and shifts our perspective. A phrase or a word picture or a story immediately lodges into our long-term memory, and somehow becomes our phrase, picture, story.

One Thing Your Daughter Doesn't Need You to Say - Emily Freeman via Chatting the Sky
If you have a daughter growing up and trying to be a "good influence" on her friends, this is worth checking out.

The more I think about it, the more I believe this well-meaning statement is not only a manipulative way to try to control our daughters’ behavior, but can also be dangerous to their spiritual health. When we tell her to be an example, we may as well just hand her a mask right there – Here. Hide behind this. Don’t let them see you struggle.

What's been your favorite thing on the web this week? Share your stories with us in the comments section!