Quiz: Which of the 12 Disciples are You?

Originally published Friday, 19 September 2014.

Would you say you're more impulsive, or more laid back? Has anyone ever referred to you as a "Son of Thunder"? Can you even name all 12 of Jesus' disciples? Soon you'll be able to, if you share Crosswalk's new quiz with enough friends: Which of the 12 Disciples are You?

This informal online quiz compares your character qualities to those of Jesus' closest apostles. Are you proud to share the Gospel, like Peter? Or are you more Thomas - labeled a doubter, but truly just cautious and always trying to discern truth from lies? (We'll just hope if you get Judas it's because there's a glitch in the design of the quiz...).

Be sure to leave your results - as well as whether you agree or disagree - in the comments below. And don't forget to share with friends! In the meantime, if you want to learn more about the Disciples, search their names on Bible Study Tools, read the "Disciples" page on Jesus.org, or check out Christianity.com's Christian History: The Twelve Apostles and many other articles. Happy quizzing!


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