Originally published Monday, 23 April 2018.
Excerpted from Everyday Holy, Zondervan, April 2018, by Melanie Shankle.
“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” JOHN 7:37–38
Last weekend Caroline had a soccer tournament in Houston, and we knew she’d play at least three games in the heat and the humidity that is Houston’s trademark. Ever wonder what would happen if you put a swamp inside of an oven? Just visit Houston in the summertime and you will find out.
I’ve been a soccer mom for almost ten years at this point, so I know that hydration is key. You have to hydrate before you play in that kind of heat, and that means you have to start drinking plenty of water at least twenty-four hours ahead of the first game time, if not sooner. So I spent all weekend reminding Caroline, “Stay hydrated!” “Don’t forget to drink your water!” “Did you finish that bottle of water?” Then she’d look at me, unscrew the lid to her water bottle, and take one tiny sip because she likes to see if my head will actually spin off my neck.
What dawned on me this past weekend is that our relationship with Christ is a lot like being hydrated for a soccer game. We need to be in daily communication with Him through reading our Bible and praying because that is what fills us with His love and his power. When we are full of God’s love, we are living our life at peak performance because we are looking for ways to be His hands and feet right where we are.
There have been times in my life when I get too busy, too distracted, or just tired of spending time with Him. I let myself get depleted, and then when a challenge comes or a hard time hits, I don’t have any reserves to draw from, and so I find myself drained and scared and tired. Jesus is our Living Water. He is the only thing that can truly fill us up and help us live the life He intended us to live. And when we continually allow that Living Water to be our focus, we can’t help but let it overflow to those around us. We weren’t made to operate from a place of depletion, and He is always waiting, ready to fill us up, and He’s the only thing that can satisfy every hope, dream, or longing we have in our hearts.
Excerpted from Everyday Holy, Zondervan, April 2018, by Melanie Shankle.