Happy 1 Year Book Birthday- Book Giveaway!

Originally published Wednesday, 17 February 2016.

yielded in his hands, books, birthday, release, christian book, testimony, sexual sin, sex, purity, testimony

Today marks one year since my book, Yielded in His Hands:Becoming a Vessel for God’s Glory, was released!


Jeremiah Chapter 18 and Psalm 40 liken God to the Great Potter of our lives, molding us and shaping us according to His perfect plan. Emily Rose Massey shares her testimony of how the Lord delivered her out of the filth and bondage of sexual sin and into the glorious light of His saving grace. When she set her feet firmly on the foundation of Jesus Christ and allowed God to chisel away parts of her marred heart with His Spirit and Word, He was able to mold her into a beautiful vessel fit for His use.

But this only happened when she yielded her life absolutely to Jesus and truly made Him Lord of her life.

Using the steps a potter takes to complete a masterpiece made of clay as the structure of her testimony, the reader is afforded a glimpse into the life of the author, whose transparency and honesty provide a view of her journey from brokenness to beauty, through the strength and power of Jesus Christ.

I remember the first time I held Yielded in His Hands in my hands. It was the product of many hours of laboring with every ounce of vulnerability I had to offer, most definitely. I poured all of myself into each single page, truly holding nothing back, and bringing every dark thing to the Light. The Lord brought so much inner-healing to my soul during the writing process. I was reminded of how He was always there with me- His Presence woven throughout the entire story! I can’t help but worship Him when I read through it! He’s delivered me from such a deep pit and I will never stop praising Him or thanking Him for all that He has brought me from! I also will never stop testifying so that I can see others experience the same freedom that I have now found in Jesus Christ.

I’ve been forgiven of so much, and now I love much!

Over the last year, I have had the opportunity to tell my story through radio programs, TV programs, and speaking opportunities at Mercy Ministries (now Mercy Multiplied), a young women’s conference, and Diane’s House, a women’s ministry through Teen Challenge (I’ll actually be leading a Bible study there next week!).

All of this, while raising my son (who was only 4 months when the book released) and learning the ropes as a new (stay-at-home) mom!

Every pair of eyes who has read this book is so precious to me because I believe the Father will use my words of hope as a seed to see transformation happen in the life of every reader. That is my constant prayer for this offering that I have sown for God’s glory! I’m looking forward to what is ahead for this story as 2016 unfolds- no matter what, I will allow the Lord to use me as His vessel, giving Him all the Glory!


If you would like to enter to win a signed copy of Yielded in His Hands, just comment below, and I will select a winner at random by Friday, February 19th at noon (CT).

Yielded in His Hands

Check out more of my blogs on www.emilyrosemassey.com! Also, visit my website for more information on how to stay connected with me, as well as info about my book Yielded in His Hands- now available on Amazon.com!