Personal Reflection

Originally published Monday, 04 June 2018.



Time for a selfie moment! But in a different way than we typically do it. I'm talking about a moment when you go inside and self-reflect. Meaning, a moment when you take time to look at your personal life – your inner, behind the scenes life and examine it according to the truth of God's word. A moment when you ask yourself, “Am I living the very word that I read and listen to in my personal life, really?” This is personal reflection. 

The Bible tells us in James 1:22-25, "But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don't obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it." Amen.  

For me, sometimes I do a personal reflection on my own and sometimes I’m prompted by the Holy Spirit to take a look inside of my heart and mind for the purpose of examining my recent actions and thoughts. I’m usually led to reflect on them and then search the Scriptures to get things right. And of course, I pray to ask the Lord’s forgiveness, repent, and start afresh. 

Now, I’ll ask you this question. When was the last time you did a personal reflection of your own life? When was the last time the Holy Spirit revealed to you that you needed to repent of something or make things right with someone or the Lord? Or maybe led to change, be transformed in a certain area of your personal life. Change and transformation happens in the presence of God.  

When we go before God in the quiet (wherever that place may be), that’s where transformation can take place…in His presence. It’s a place where we can be honest about who we are and where we are. It’s a place where we can be us. It’s a place where we can talk and be heard and be helped supernaturally. It’s in that quiet time and secret place where it’s just you and God - where you can come clean and lay everything bear before Him. And guess what? He can be trusted with your heart. 

So where are you today? What do you need to confess to Him? What do you need to change in your thoughts and actions? What verse has God been showing you to apply to your life in this season? What’s been standing out in your life and in Scripture? Again, this is personal reflection? 

Pray these words from Psalm 139:23-24, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” When you do this sis, you get free! A weight is lifted. I know! 

I have to admit sometimes when God reveals things to me that are not good, sinful, or not pleasing to Him, it doesn’t feel good. It actually feels pretty embarrassing or I feel yucky on the inside. But He knows me and I’m good with that! 

I want to be all that He wants me to be. I want to be more Christ-like in my character inside and out. I don’t want to offend Him. So, I know that personal reflection is good for me, and I also know that it’s good for you. 

With that being said, try it. Take a moment during your devotional time or while you’re in the word and simply open up a dialogue with the Lord and spill the beans. Tell Him everything. Ask Him what offends Him? Ask Him what do you need to work on or what will help make you more Christ-like? What do you need to purge or get rid of? Who do you need pardon or forgive? What do you need grow or mature in? 

As I prepare to close this post, I want to leave you with this statement that I just read in the book, God’s Secret to Greatness: The Power of the Towel. It reads, “If you have been with the Lord, you will reflect Him.” Amen! This happens when we take time to dwell in His presence, word, and prayer. This happens when we're open and honest with the One who created us. This happens when we take time for personal reflection. Go for it today, sis. #transformation    

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!


*The book that I recommended is a very powerful and life-changing book. Grab it today! Here's the link from Amazon: God’s Secret to Greatness: The Power of the Towel.

QUESTION: Would you like to experience more transformation in your life, sis? When was the  last time you took a personal inventory and did some personal house cleaning? Also, if you need prayer, you can email me directly @ I look forward to hearing from you and praying for you.

ALSO, my NEW 8-Week Study Guide and Video Teaching Series from my book, "IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ & Moving Forward in Your Purpose” is FINALLY available!!! Purchase here.

*Tune in every Monday at 7:30am for new posts, “Like” my Facebook page (, and follow me on Twitter at Also, share this blog with friends, family, co-workers, or your women’s group or ministry. I’d love to stay connected and help more women grow in the Lord! Thanks again and may God be with you!