How to Control Your Emotions

Originally published Monday, 13 June 2016.


As women, if we’re honest with ourselves, we can be pretty emotional at times. Am I right? Okay. So, with that being said, it’s not a matter of if we’ll get emotional. Rather, it’s about how we act when our emotions seem to be out of whack. In this month’s post, I’m going to share with you some biblical and practical principles on how to control your emotions as a Christian woman.

Again, it’s not a secret. We get emotional. But we have to understand that God wants us to practice the fruit of self-control when it strikes. Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law.” Temperance is self-control. This is godly character. So when we start to get highly emotional, we need to practice controlling ourselves.

One good way to begin controlling your emotions is realizing where you are. Try pin-pointing what’s happening in your life. Meaning, ask God and yourself some questions. “Is my menstrual cycle coming down?” “Am I doing too much?” “Is this spiritual warfare?” “Lord, why do I feel so yucky inside?” “Why am I so frustrated right now?”

When you begin to ask these questions, the answer will come. And when it’s revealed, that’s when you deal with it. I tend to do this when I feel myself getting emotionally stressed out. I’ll ask these questions and once its revealed say, “Okay. Yes, this is just spiritual warfare. I’m doing something for the Lord. Thank You God for revealing this to me.” Believe it or not, this really helps! Knowledge is so powerful!

I also want you to be aware that it’s totally okay to let people know where you are. When my emotions are raging or I feel yucky inside, I tell my husband, “It’s nothing personal babe. I’m just a little emotional right now. I need a little time alone.” That’s better than handling it inappropriately or saying something wrong just because I’m not having a good day or moment. This is wisdom.

So…if you know that your cycle is approaching or you’re tired or frustrated, drink some hot tea. Take a hot shower or bubble bath, or lay down and go to sleep. Another practical suggestion would be to go into your prayer closet and talk to God or read a book. Also, speak the Scriptures that you know will help settle you down. And run to your secret place (that could be the bathroom stall at your job). Whatever you do, control your emotions. This is vital, because if you don’t check yourself, you can make some very critical mistakes.

For instance, it’s not okay to curse someone out, throw things, act nasty with people, or hurt someone with harsh words (even if it’s true), just because you’re having a bad day. Sometimes you just have to study to be quiet as 1Thessalonians 4:11 states. Remember, it’s all about displaying godly character (self-control). So slow down. James 1:19-20 says, “…Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry, for your anger can never make things right in God’s sight.” (NLT)

You have to gain control over your emotions.

Listen. The whole point here is that we don’t want to react out of character. We want to be effective witnesses for Christ. And YES. Sometimes we will get frustrated, irritated, or angry. Anger is a natural emotion. However, the key is that we don’t sin in the process.

In closing, I want you to know that God will give you the grace to do this! You are not alone in the process. Just remember to pinpoint where you are and talk to the Lord about it. He will help you gain control over your emotions. And when you have them under control through the power of His Holy Spirit helping you and His word, the joy of the Lord will be your strength. Believe it!

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!


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Also, my NEW book is scheduled to release August 1st!!!! It’s entitled, “IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ & Moving Forward in Your Purpose!” I’m pumped and I want you to GRAB it! PRE-BUY it today @! And share, share, share (tell other women too!). Thanks sis!

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