Feeling Alone? Join the Club!

Originally published Wednesday, 08 May 2013.

You know what I think is one of Satan’s greatest tools?

The ability to make us feel alone.


We can be in a crowd of people and feel this way or sitting alone on our couch.  You don’t have to be physically alone to feel that way.

I have allowed Satan to trick me into feeling this way many times before in my life and every single time I felt myself sinking into this vortex, there was only one cure: Jesus.


The response you were expecting me to say? Probably.

But I really, really mean this. And I want you to take it in, because chances are, you will feel alone again, at one point or another in your life.

When we start to feel alone, we put a higher price on temporary satisfaction, because it distracts us from our pain, even if only for a second.

Think about it: people usually chase after all the wrong things (ie: money, girls, boys, drugs, sex, alcohol, cheating, etc) because they feel alone.

This feeling of isolation paralyzes us; it stops us in our tracks and whispers insults in our ears, hoping we listen to them and forget the truth in our hearts.

It says things like:

“You have no friends. People only hang around you because they feel sorry for you.”

“If you were gone, people wouldn’t miss you. You don’t have a purpose.”

“You are weird. You are strange. You will never fit in. Get used to being alone.”

“Your friends like you because you have money. Don’t get it confused.”

“If you really needed something, no one would be around to help you. They don’t really love you.”

I have found that when I start feeling alone or isolated (which is an easy feeling to resort to when you live in an apartment alone and want to have a pity party) , I have to pour His truth into my spirit and take the time to focus on someone else.

I am not suggesting to have some magical way to never feel alone, because inevitably, our hearts are fragile and offensive, so we will feel that way a time or two.

But in my own personal experience, there are two things that always remind me I am never alone:

1.)  Read the Word.  Dig into His truth. Remind yourself that He knows every fiber of your being and you were made with a unique and important purpose. You are loved and He will never forsake you.

2.)  Spend some time serving someone else. Often times, our minds go into these deep vortexes because we spend so much time rehashing and thinking about ourselves. If we serve someone else, we are quickly reminded that this life is not about us. It’s about glorifying Him.

I am not sure why I felt called to write this today, but I hope it is helpful to someone out there!

Can I let you in on a secret?

EVERYONE feels like a “loser” or “unpopular” at some point in their lives.

I’d say it’s about time that you forget your pride and ask for some prayer from your brothers and sisters.

Intentionally go serve someone around you.

Dig into what Your Heavenly Father says about you.

 He promises to never leave you nor forsake you and He does NOT take His promises lightly!

Ever felt alone? Feeling alone now?


See the irony  You are NEVER alone, my friend! 

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” -Deuteronomy 31:6