Originally published Monday, 09 February 2015.
{feel free to share this Words for Your Soul Goodie}
As Christians, shouldn't we move past whatever hurts us?
You'll be shocked, as I was, to hear what my friend Sally said to me when I confided that I felt stuck & depressed. I drove three hrs to create today's Soul Mocha Video for you, to visit with Sally, one of my CLOSEST confidantes, a mentor who has known me since I was 28 years old.
After months struggling to shake off my troubles by doing everything I could to move past it on my own with God, I was TERRIFIED to tell someone what was happening in my heart!
But, the journey of finding rest with God makes no short cuts. He wants all of us. Even the parts we feel shameful and try to bury, He longs to love, confide & journey with Him.
Along with what I shared in my book Finding Spiritual Whitespace in "Chapt 2: Wallpapered Memories" & "Chapt 3: Toy Store" — I drove 140 miles to video this conversation with Sally, to give an intimate behind-the-scenes story. To offer some heart-felt words of encouragement. Just for you.
Click here to watch this video.I'm SO EXCITED to share these pearls of wisdom from my closest confidante. I think you’ll find it worth the viewing! :) This is the encouragement God gave to prioritize creating spiritual whitespace in my life.:
The journey of finding rest with God makes no short cuts. He wants all of us. Even the parts we feel shameful.
Are there parts of your feelings or story that you put to the side, because you feel God wouldn't want it? It's soul exhausting to bury our stress & hide the deepest parts of our hearts with God and others. And wish it will go away.
We often bury what stresses us because we're afraid what it would mean if we faced them. We're afraid to actually stop and feel and take time for us. Maybe we're afraid of what we'll find in that stillness?
The stresses we've hidden deep inside finally emerge when we can no longer bolt down what we fear most: our wounded selves.
"Do not hide Your face from me...
Do not abandon me nor forsake me...
For my father and my mother have forsaken me,
But the LORD will take me up." Ps27:9-10
[SAVOR. Cups of Rest]
* Jesus says to us, what He said to the invalid waiting for hope at the pool for years! "Pick up your mat (whatever you've been holding) - let everyone see it, and follow me!"
* We adopt a role of being the strong one or the never-struggling one -- we make a home (or a mat) to hide and wait for things to change, meanwhile ignoring our hearts and our stories.
* If we’re always hiding parts of ourselves because we think that's how we get over it, spiritual whitespace will always fall last priority.
* To actually create space to nurture ourselves, we first need embrace that RECEIVING from God heals our heart - rather than pushing our deepest parts away from Him.
* Jesus accepted us as we are and longs for us to experience the gift of receiving!
[confide. PRAY]
Dear God. I'm tired of being afraid to receive. I don't know how to make time for myself. It feels weird to want something from you. Awaken my heart to receive & share all parts of my story & memories with you -- even if I think I should be over it. Help me to give all of myself to you, not just the parts I think are good.
Do you find it hard or easy to receive? How is God asking you to follow Him -- what is the mat God wants you to pick up?
Pull up a chair. * Who can you share this encouragement with today? *
By Bonnie Gray. Bonnie is the soulful author of Finding Spiritual Whitespace: Awakening Your Soul To Rest, which has garnered starred review praise from Publisher’s Weekly, named as the Top 6 notable new religion authors. Bonnie blogs at Faith Barista, serving up shots of faith in the daily grind. She writes for DaySpring (in)courage, Revelant Magazine, spotlighted by Christianity Today and Catalyst Leadership. After graduating from UCLA, Bonnie served as a missionary, ministry entrepreneur, and Silicon Valley high-tech professional. She lives in California with her husband, Eric, and their two sons.
For inspiration to create space in your life to breathe, order a copy of Finding Spiritual Whitespace: Awakening Your Soul To Rest. This memoir-driven guidebook for rest will nurture your heart to draw closer to God.
"Whitespace is soul grace. Bonnie Gray ushers weary women into the real possibility." - Ann Voskamp, NY Times bestsellng author of One Thousand Gifts
"If you want to hear Jesus speak more tenderly to your soul than ever befrore, this is the book for you." - Lysa TerKeurst, NY Times bestselling author of Unglued