For the Busy Mom: A Special Invitation This Holiday Season

Originally published Sunday, 23 November 2014.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and everywhere I turn there's a tide rising of commotion, preparation, and pinning.

There are the gift idea boards and the yummy-stuffed turkeys, the recycled card box projects and the perfect family pose for greeting cards. Don't forget the 1,845 cookie recipes, exactly 395 of which are gluten-free. And then the avalanche of advice on how to stay fit during the holidays, how to save money during shopping, and how to peacefully navigate family get-togethers without starting world war three.

It's enough to make my head spin. And we haven't even reached Thanksgiving! Good grief. How are we ever going to get to Christmas Eve alive?

For the busy Mom, a Special Invitation This Holiday Season

But in the midst of it all, I feel a gentle tug at my heart.

Come here.

I'm busy, Lord. Don't you see my list is a mile long?

Put it down. Come to Me.

I wish I had time. Really, I do. But things don't get done by themselves.

Trust Me. All will be well. Just come.

*sigh* Ok. I'll come. But I only have five minutes.

Leave the phone behind. Turn off the computer. Just BE with Me. Be still. I long to spend time with you. I want you to leave your burdens here. Quiet your soul. Come out of the rush of your day to just. Be. Still. 

Cautiously, gingerly, I tiptoe my way to the throne of grace and gently lay my head on His lap.

And the commotion stills.

How many times have you reached Christmas Eve only to have the meal ready and the stockings stuffed but your heart unprepared to celebrate Jesus?

Holding a candle in the service, willing your heart to feel the warm and fuzzies of Christmas but instead being kind of blah toward the whole thing?

I know that's a real struggle for me every year. The temptation is huge to take care of the urgent holiday items only to leave the important soul work untended.

I want to help you quiet the commotion in your soul this Advent season so you can discover the joy of the Gift of Jesus. Click on the banner to get more information about Unwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotional

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