Enter to Win: Book Give-Away

Originally published Thursday, 21 April 2016.












Infertility awareness week is the last week in April.

In honor of that observance and to hopefully encourage one of you out there, we are giving away a copy of Waiting for God to Fill the Cradle: A One Month Devotional for Couples. There's thought provoking Bible passages, couple's discussion questions, and Scripture prayers to waiting-for-God-to-fill-the-cradle_edited-1encourage you during this waiting season.

From experience, we know waiting is hard. And waiting to have that little bundle of joy can take you and your marriage on some really intense roller coasters!

Leave a comment here and one random reader will be selected for this devotional. Blessings!

PS - we will be praying for you as you are on this journey! Join us for more encouragement at www.MotlMinistries.org, on emailfacebooktwitter or on pinterest.