Christmas Collection

Originally published Monday, 24 December 2012.

A collection of Christmas messages for you

Christmas Coming
By Eric Motl

1 Peter 1:10-12 Join us for a ride through history as we discover the true purpose of the Christmas season and some of the Old Testament prophecies that led up to the First Advent of Jesus Christ. Download Audio Sermon

Christmas – The How and Why
By Eric Motl

Luke 2:1-12 How did Jesus come into the world and why? Here are some thoughts on the “How” and “Why” of Christmas.  Download Audio Sermon

Christmas According to John
By Eric Motl

John 1:1-14 Most Christians know about Matthew and Luke’s accounts of Christmas; but not many remember Christmas according to the Gospel of John. Join us as we reflect on who the baby Jesus really was in that manger in Bethlehem. Download Audio Sermon

Christmas According to Paul

By Eric Motl

Titus 2:11-15  What is Christmas? What does it do? What does it promise? Download Audio Sermon

Manger Moments
By April Motl

The circumstances that brought those in the Nativity account to the manger hold insights for each of us as the Lord brings us to our own manger moments. Download Audio Message

For a free copy of Christmas Bible verse place cards to set at your Christmas dinner table or a copy of the Christmas Carol printables, join our mailing list, or follow us on facebook or twitter and look for the constant contact post--the goodies are part of our Christmas mailout. Merry Christmas and the Lord's joyous blessings on your New Year!