yet it was not consumed // Exodus 3:2

Originally published Friday, 20 November 2015.

 And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. He looked, and behold, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed. Exodus 3:2

Burning bushes weren’t entirely uncommon in extreme heat and drought in Moses’ area. Yet, burning bushes that kept burning and were not consumed were divine.

Likewise, babies in the river weren’t entirely uncommon in Egypt, under Pharaoh’s hateful laws. Yet, babies in the river that kept crying and were not killed by the water were divine.

Bushes should burn up and Nile-babies should die – but God. But God in His mercy keeps us burning and breathing when we're about to fade away.

And sometimes we can only bend down and remove our shoes, because it is holy, sacred ground beneath us. Ground that contains the presence of God, completing a work beyond our imaginations. For, your life and my life should spin wildly into chaos, but God... but God.

Today, what burning bushes are before us?

Are there areas of life that are being mercifully held together, beyond our control or understanding, but beautifully, perfectly, in place? Maybe it’s our health or a relationship or emotions or situations - things that defy logic yet remain stable in His sovereign hand.

Let's thank God today for how His mercy preserves His good purpose in our lives.



Thank you Lord for your power that sustains us. We may be afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down, yet you are near and continuing your good, glorifying work in us (2 Cor. 4:8-10). Thank you that your power keeping bushes burning and babies breathing when necessary for your greater purpose. There is nothing too big or too small for you. We praise you, Jesus, amen.

31 Days of Purpose: Devotions from the early life of Moses

From a boat-basket to a burning bush, Moses’ call to leadership is filled with everyday people and situations, all divinely orchestrated for God's divine purpose. As we study the early years of Moses, we see a consistent theme of God raising up the unlikely and transforming the average with His anointing. That's me, and that's you - common people, yet commissioned for a high calling. Let's step into it this month, together. Click here for the whole series.

We're journeying through Overrated by Eugene Cho at Front Porch, Inspired!

This month, I am blogging through Overrated by Eugene Cho. Each Friday, I post chapter summaries and discussion questions. Come join in!

For more information about Book Journeys on this blog, click here.