A Power Prayer - Daughters of Promise - January 2

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Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze

Do recent headlines have you frozen in fear?  Are you finding it hard to function because of what is happening in our world?  Here is a prayer that you can pray in times like this.

“Holy God of the universe we praise you.  We acknowledge that You are good.  You are the author of salvation.  We know that You are sovereign.  You are order in a world that is falling into chaos all around us.  You are the one thing to ever have existed that is unchanging.  We choose to cling to You.  Forgive us the times that we have chosen to believe a lie.  We have chosen to believe that You aren’t good and that we are powerless.  We take those thoughts and all others like it captive and submit them in obedience to Jesus Christ.  Forgive us for fainting with fear, for love and fear are directly opposed to each other.  We repent of the times we have not walked forward as You have called us to do.  Please forgive us.  

We thank You for the many, many times that You have intervened on our behalf.  There is so much we don’t see and won’t even know until we are standing face to face with you.  Thank you for Your Word and how it records just a few examples of how You took care of Your children.  From the very beginning, You had a plan to deliver us from sin and death.  We look forward to the day, Oh Ancient of Days, when You will right all of the wrongs.  Everything that You have said in Your Word that would happen up until this point has happened.  We ask for fearlessness.  We ask for safety for our children.  Fill us to overflowing with Your love so that fear has no room in us.  In Your precious Name, Amen.”

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

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Originally published Tuesday, 05 January 2016.