In Our Heads and On Our Hearts

Originally published Tuesday, 26 February 2013.

I used to pride myself on not having a to-do-list. It's not that I didn't have a list of things to do...I was just determined to not let a list dictate my life. Call me's ok!

Well that has changed. Now, not only do I let a list dictate what I do, but like many others, I rely on this list to actually get anything done. I am sure you can relate.

Without my list, I carry all of the things that I need to do in my head and on my heart. It’s exhausting.

Soccer practice, homework, extra-credit, doctors’ appointments, dinner, emails, voicemails, birthdays, tweets and on and on and plays over and over again in my head.

It’s just the way life goes.

Somehow once I list these demands onto a sheet of paper or a screen, I seem to feel a sense of relief, freedom....control. Not to mention the overwhelming sense of accomplishment once I begin to check items off! I can handle it all, one check mark at a time!

Ironically, when it comes to my spiritual life, I have found that it's in the moments of not following my list, that I accomplish the most.

Quiet time. Bible study. Family devotions. Service projects. Thankfully these things have been successfully added to my list. 

However, I fear that merely adding key elements to maintaining my faith walk to a to-do-list often causes me to miss the opportunity to delight in the spontaneity of our God.

It is the unexpected moments of walking around my bedroom, driving down the road or stepping into the shower that God surprisingly shows up and places himself at the top of my agenda.

Often we are so accustomed to getting things done, that building our relationship with Christ becomes just another thing on the list. If we are good, it even fills the number one slot.

I'd like to challenge you to remove it from the list. What if we stop trying to get Christ done and instead let Him become the one thing we actually do carry in our heads and on our hearts.

Our creator often accomplishes the most when we are doing the least. Choosing to be with Christ is the key to accomplishing our work for Christ.