Is It Possible To Love Your Enemies?

Originally published Friday, 28 December 2012.

Source: via Wendy on Pinterest



Love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the most high, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked. Luke 6:35 (NLT)

Think you don’t have any real enemies?


I thought that the first time I read Luke 6:35, “God, I don’t really have any enemies…this doesn’t really apply to me!” 


Then God sent a taxi driver… 


A taxi came towards my lane and I thought about accelerating to close the gap but at the last minute I slowed down to let him in. He drifted in and disappeared into the flow of traffic – unthankful and wicked I thought - then this verse floated into my mind.


God is not asking us to do anything he hasn’t done before. 


God loved us first. He loved me (and I am certainly unthankful and wicked) and he loves you. 


And he has done this without asking for anything in return; in fact he’s embraced us with one hand while wiping our sins out with the other. 


If there was ever a reason to love your enemies, do good to them and give to them without expecting anything in return it is because God is kind to people who are unthankful and wicked - people like me and you.


And God asks us to do the same to our enemies, our colleagues, our friends, our neighbours and the taxi-driver who just barged in again.  


God asks us, to love our enemies, do good things for them and give without thinking we'll get anything back. 


Simply because He did it first. 


Please share in the comments about a time when God has been kind to you even though you don’t deserve it. 


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