Shimmer and Radience

Originally published Thursday, 09 May 2013.

Boy does my Lord know how to speak my language by using words like shimmer and radience in His Holy Word. If we show up to our alone time with God in His Bible, He will speak straight to our heart...should we open up and be ready to accept His ultimate wisdom and powerful words.

This year the Lord put a theme on my heart for me to practice and I believe this theme is for all of us, not just me. This year I have been practicing the art of

~living sensitive to God's Spirit

~soaking in His glory

~seeking His presence over seeking for what He can do for me.

I call this a practice because it takes some work on my part not to sit down in prayer and check off my list of things I think I need from God. In reality the one thing I need most is His presence. It takes practice for me to set aside my agenda and just tell Him all the ways He is good, glorious, mighty, awesome, lovely, amazing. Here me say that God doesn't need me to shower Him with adoration. But He loves it when I turn my grateful heart toward His glorious light. The practice of soaking in God's presence puts my heart in the right place to go out and face the world. To love others more than myself. To live my faith authentically.

As I sat practicing the art of seeking God's presence, the Lord blessed me with Scripture and sent a spark of delight in my heart by using words that make me smile. I'm a girly girl who loves anything that sparkles or shines so when I read this verse all kinds of mental images of God's glory swirled in my mind and increased the volume of my worship.

This is the One who—imprinted with God’s image, shimmering with His glory—sustains all that exists through the power of His word. He was seated at the right hand of God once He Himself had made the offering that purified us from all our sins.This Son of God is elevated as far above the heavenly messengers as His holy name is elevated above theirs. {Hebrews 1:3-4 THE VOICE}

Jesus...shimmering with God's glory. Don't you love it?! The ESV translation uses the word radient.Whew!

As I reflect on my year long theme of seeking God's presence and soaking in His Spirit with sensitivity, part of me ask,

"What's in it for me to practice this?"

Answer: He is ever so worthy. My benefit is the sheer fact that I am allowed in the presence of God Almighty.

We all have access to the shimmering, radient glory of King Jesus should we decide to practice sitting still, soaking in Him, setting our heart toward Him above all else. 

If you feel you are not worthy of sitting in the presence of Jesus, please know that He desires your adoration...YOU...yes YOU. When Jesus shed blood on the cross, He did that for you, my friend.

If you feel fearful of the vulnerability in which you might just have to give Him your heart in this practice, please know that He will hold your heart with great care. God is for YOU, not against you.

I encourage you to start the practice of seeking God's presence, His shimmering glory and His bright radience today. Take some time to write out the verse from Hebrews above as a spring board, a mental image to ponder about our King Jesus. Then join me in this prayer,


What do you think? Leave a comment...let's chat!

One more thing. Do you desire to make a difference and encourage your friends? I invite you to join me in ministry and encourage women to LIVE OUT! the Kingship of Christ in everyday life. Sign up for my the LIVE IT OUT! Shout Team. Check out the info HERE.