January's 100 Days with Christ Bible Study

Originally published Saturday, 24 December 2016.

Many of you are probably knee-deep in Christmas preparations. We are as well. My college kids are home for Christmas break which means late nights, old friends coming in and out and my kitchen in near constant use. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

But in 10 short days, the calendar will turn and we’ll be ushering in a brand-new year. As you look toward 2017, I want to invite you to a winter Bible study. I’ve re-released 100 Days with Christ and I’ll be hosting this Bible study right here on the blog.

his FREE journal and Bible plan lets you walk with Christ chronologically through daily reading in all four gospels.

100 Days with Christ is a free Bible reading plan that takes you chronologically through the life and ministry of Christ in all four gospels. The accounts of Jesus’ life, teaching and ministry are harmonized in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and then divided it into daily chunks for Bible reading.

100 Days with Christ starts with Jesus in eternity past. The reading then moves with Him from village to Galilean village, as He teaches and heals and calls men to Himself.  We’ll see the miracles and ministry of Jesus in full — fleshed out with the full color and detail that each of the gospel writers uniquely records.

Having just celebrated the birth of Christ, January is the perfect time to begin studying the life and ministry of Christ. And as we approach the week of Easter, our study will wrap up with the arrest, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Christ. Hemmed between Christmas and Easter is a wonderful time to dig deep and study Jesus. 

Here’s what you need for this study:

  • Second, you can use the reading plan and either write in your own journal OR have the reading plan and journaling pages spiral bound. I had my local copy shop spiral bind the reading plan along with 60 copies of the journaling pages, which provided plenty of space to record daily thanks along with favorite verses, observations and prayers.
  • Finally, to help us stay on track and keep us together, I’ll blog through 100 Days with Christ. Next year, I’ll post on the blog twice each week. Friday’s post will center on a teaching from that week’s reading and will be relevant even if you aren’t doing the Bible study. Other weekly posts will be encouraging content not specifically tied to the 100 Days with Christ study.

This FREE journal and Bible plan lets you read the 4 gospels like never before as you walk with Christ chronologically in daily reading.

This FREE journal and Bible plan lets you read the 4 gospels like never before as you walk with Christ chronologically in daily reading.

My desire in writing at True and Faithful is to offer soul-deep encouragement and resources to live out our faith. As we spend 100 Days with Christ, it’s my earnest prayer that we fall in love all over again with our Savior. I want us to claim just as Paul did, “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering…” {Philippians 3:10}

A few more questions and answers:

When does this study begin and end?

We’ll start January 1, 2017 and end early in the week of Easter. Easter is Sunday, April 16, 2017.

How much time will this take each day?

Some days are shorter than others, but generally, you’ll want to allot 20-30 minutes for each day’s reading.

What if I fall behind?

There will probably be days you don’t get to the reading. That’s okay. Don’t give up! Instead, keep moving with that day’s reading and only go back if you have extra time. Life happens and you’ll find it’s easy to get your daily rhythm again.

Daily Bible study is a huge challenge for me. How can I make this work?

What works for me is to make my Bible time priority reading before anything else –  Facebook, emails, another book. I know I’ll read each day and if I make Bible study the first reading of the day, then it happens. Choose the same time to read each day. Give yourself an incentive – like a wake-up to hot coffee brewed with a timer. And ask God to give you a hunger for His Word that you can’t ignore: that’s a prayer smack within His will and He’ll absolutely answer it!

I cannot wait to spend 100 Days with Christ along with you! Feel free to share this with anyone who might want this free Bible reading plan and journal.

In the meantime, I want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas as we celebrate the Love that came down for us. Stay tuned next week as I have a very special giveaway. I count you a huge blessing and am so very grateful for you. xoxoxo