God is writing the story of our lives!

Originally published Tuesday, 29 October 2013.

I never really thought that putting down the pencil and letting God write my story would be so hard yet so beautiful at the very same time. I knew what I meant when I named my blog, I knew it meant releasing control of my life, just like it says at the top, under the heading, a moment by moment surrender to the One who created it all! Moment by moment, meaning at each moment surrendering to what I believe God wants even if it was not exactly what I want, or what I would do! My favorite verse in the Bible is “Trust in the Lord with ALL of your heart, lean not on your own understanding, but in ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Surrendering and trusting that even if it doesn’t make sense, it is God and He created the world, so I would rather be in His will, than my own.

Putting my pencil, my story, my future in His hands, trusting ONLY HE can write the best selling story of my life. It’s never a best seller without pain but the beautiful part is a best seller usually always ends up with a heartwarming ending and I am confident that my God, He works ALL things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. I know I LOVE Him more than anything and am called by name, for His purpose.

He will work these things as well for my good and His glory.

God is God, when I sit and really dwell in that; I see how real He is. I see that He is good, I am beyond thankful for His guidance even if it hurts, and it has hurt lately. I am beyond grateful that He came to set the captives free and I am one of them, I am beyond grateful that He has plans to prosper me, not to harm me, to give me hope and a future, that He is Peace, He gives wisdom freely without measure and that He will work things out in us for a purpose, a purpose to share those stories of freedom with others and help set them free from the yoke of bondage. He is a Redeemer, He is a Rock, He is Hope, He is worthy of our trust and He is my Perfect Father, He teaches, He preaches, He loves and He adores.

My heart is strengthened by the pain of the past two events in my life, He is strong in our weakness and it is kind of amazing! I feel this right now, I feel that He is holding me and that I am stronger than I was before, because I KNOW who holds me through it all, I know who knows my heart, I know who knows my pain and I know who tells me that He is proud of me. That is my Father in Heaven. He truly is before ALL things and in Him all things hold together and I am glad He is writing my story, because He writes the best stories.