Do You Want to be a World-Changer?

Originally published Tuesday, 14 January 2014.

It’s a bit idealistic, I know, but I’d like to change the world. And it seems to me, that changing the world really isn’t as big of a challenge as we make it out to be.

Truly, if there’s one thing I am sure of it’s this: we serve a God who accomplishes the impossible. Our God restores what is lost, redeems what is broken, and works all things for our good and His glory. Yet, God chooses to use His children to bring about His purposes here on earth. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus (the Light of the World) refers to His followers as the light of the world, and we are told to ”let [our] light shine before others, so that they may see [our] good works and give glory to [our] Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14, 16).

We are the light of the world.

We were created to be world-changers. [Tweet that]

This is our calling.

And as followers of Christ, we have been given everything needed to fulfill this calling.

Still, I must be clear. This world already has a Savior––Jesus ChristOur job is not to save the world, but to be used by the Savior of the world to bring about His purposes here on earth. [Tweet that] Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “we are [God's] workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” We are God’s chosen means of bringing light to the world. To be sure, we are Jesus’ hands and feet. And we can make a difference. We can be world-changers. And we can be willing instruments in the hands of our amazing God to fight evil, allowing beauty and goodness to reign.


So, how do we change the world?

I believe it’s done little by little.

Moment by moment.

With intentionality.

Yet, our desire to change the world must rooted in love, for without love there will be no real impact. [Tweet that] Seeing change will only come when we love God and love others as God intends. But once our heart’s motivation is love, we simply need to stand ready for whatever God calls us to. Remember, we were created in Jesus for good works.

It’s about doing what you’re called to do. But that doesn’t mean you need to wait for a clear message from God to love those around you. Loving others is always God’s will. So, it’s also about doing what you can do right where you. You needn’t travel to a third-world country to make an impact (unless that’s God’s leading). It’s the little stuff, day in and day out that makes a difference. 


What you do with your life matters. [Tweet that] We have been given power through the Holy Spirit––power to bring light to the darkest recesses of this world and power to love like Jesus.

Now what are we going to do with this power?

Our salvation was never intended to bless only ourselves. Scripture tells us, “to whom much was given, of him much will be required” (Luke 12:48). There’s no denying. We have been given much. The riches of God’s grace continually pours out upon us.

Let us use it well.

Let us love fully.

Let us love Jesus with all we’ve got.

Let us love others with unprecedented zeal.

Because it is when we love God and love others that we can truly make a difference, that we can truly change the world for the glory of God and for the good of all.

Remember, we are the light of the world. And darkness must flee in the presence of light. [Tweet that]