Decorating My Home...for God's Glory!

Originally published Wednesday, 10 April 2013.

As a homemaker, I love to decorate my home. I don't spend a lot of time or resources on decorating my home but I do like making my home an inviting place. And I think if done correctly, decorating can be for God's glory. 

It all comes down to your heart. What is your purpose in decorating your home? 

Is deorating a waste of money? Do we really need this new painting for the living room? Should I be spending valuable resources and time on decorating?

The answer I have come to: Yes and No. It all depends on my frame of mind. Decorating can be prideful for me, or it can be out of a desire for my family.

When Decorating can be for God's Glory

This is a familiar scene in my home as we strive to practice Biblical Hospitality. A new family or couple comes to our house for dinner for the first time. The table is set, worship music plays softly in the background, the food is cooking, th candles are lit, and the decorations are all in place. We open up the door and lovingly welcome a new family int our home. 

I could have two very different motives going on in my heart for this show of hospitality. The first is that I could be motivated by pride. I want to show off my homemaking abilities. I want them to taste my perfect dinner and dessert and gaze at my decorating skills. I want them to perceive that I am the best homemaker and that my house is perfect. The decorations are just so beautiful, and it’s all about me. {And trust me…it’s very easy to fall into this!}

OR, my motivation could be that I want to a warm inviting home where we can share the Gospel. I want that new family to enter my home and feel welcome! I want them to see that I put effort into having them over to show that our family cares about them. I want to create a safe atmosphere where we can share testimonies and the Gospel. I want the family to feel welcomed and invited. 

And believe me, I have had both motivations. As homemakers (or maybe it’s just me?), it’s easy to become prideful about our domain. We take pride in our home, and can easily be motivated to show it off.

So pray that the Lord would convict your heart as to what is right for your family! If you are in a season of living off a tight budget, then know the decorating can be left undone or minimal! Decorating your home doesn't equal Biblical Hospitality or serving. But if done in the correct way, then decorating your home can be for God's glory. 

Having a hard time getting started with showing hospitality? Here is a beginner's guide to hospitality as well as some resources to get you started. Also, are you trying to practice hospitality in an apartment and are feeling frusterated? Here are 7 practical tips for practicing hospitality in an apartment or within small spaces. Now go spread God's love and practicing the Biblical mandate of hospitality!