Making Mistakes?

Originally published Monday, 01 June 2015.

Let’s face it, mistakes happen. And I will tell you one fact about them. You never plan on making mistakes. That’s why it’s called a mistake in the first place.  The word actually means, “to take wrongly, to understand or perceive wrongly; interpret or judge incorrectly; and an idea, answer, act, etc. that is wrong, or in error. So…have you ever made any mistakes in your life, sis? How about this…did you make any recent mistakes?

If you have in the past or recent past, I want to tell you, “Don’t condemn yourself.” And know that there are new mercies every morning as Lamentations 3:22-23 states. Because if it was an actual mistake, then you know it, the devil knows it, (some) people know it, and most importantly, Jesus knows it. That is what actually matters. So don’t beat yourself up about it.

Trust me. I understand the feeling of letting people down or most importantly letting God down, because of an irreverent behavior, thought, or action. It sinks me. BUT, I also know that I shouldn’t beat myself up about it or fall into self-condemnation. God wouldn’t want me to do that and neither you. The Bible tells us in Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (KJV)

A mistake is not intentional. And the Lord knows that we are in a real battle with our flesh at times, and sometimes we lose. BUT, the good thing is knowing that we have the Holy Spirit to help us recognize our wrong-doing, repent of it, and make it right so that we can win the war! Because whether you believe it or not, as long as we are in this Christian walk, we will engage in spiritual warfare and battle with the flesh. However with Jesus, we will have the overall victory! So don’t condemn yourself. And don’t let the devil do it either!

That’s one thing about the enemy. He wants you to stay down. He wants you to beat yourself up about the mistakes that you’ve made. He’ll remind you over and over again about what you said or what you did. And that’s his job. But you have a job too…to reject him. To reject His notions and reminders, and choose to speak and believe what the word says. So don’t give him that much leverage over you, because it’s stagnating! Instead, let the word be louder than the thoughts that he plants in your head. Speak the word, confess your error to God, ask for His forgiveness, and repent (turn away). Just don’t stay in self-condemnation.

I also need to add here what is NOT a mistake just for clarity purposes. I have to say that being in an adulterous relationship is not a mistake. Having sex when you’re not married is not a mistake. Cursing someone out is not a mistake. These are all matters that are rooted in the heart and examples of deliberate sins…not mistakes and they need immediate attention and repentance. Of course, that’s just a few examples. But I think you get my point.

In either case, 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (KJV) He will cleanse us when we go into sin or make mistakes. So if you know that you’ve done wrong or are doing wrong right now, confess to God where you are, ask for His forgiveness, repent, and allow Him to cleanse you, make you better, and whole.

Hold onto this priceless nugget from Brenda Hagar, “Strong women are those who make mistakes, who admit them, learn from those failures, and then use that knowledge. They fail time and again, but still keep trying until they succeed.” So come on strong woman…learn and grow from your mistakes. God will help you.  

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!


IT”S HAPPENING TOMMOROW NIGHT! Join me for “Let’s Talk” tomorrow night (June 2, 2015) @ 8:30pm (CST)! It's a FREE Call entitled, "Controlling Your Emotions." You DO NOT want to miss this one! Because as women doing anything for the Kingdom or even in the world that we live in, we need to be able to control our emotions. The call # is (218) 936-3436, Code: 12345#. I pray that you’ll join me. Let me know here…

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