Summer Refreshment Series: Finish It!

Originally published Monday, 08 July 2013.

But now finish doing it also, so that just as there was the readiness to desire it, so there may be also the completion of it by your ability2 Corinthians 8:11 NAS

This week’s Summer Refreshment point is another facet of growth I’m working on in my personal life. I’m a pretty good starter, not as good of a finisher. So I’ve got a stash of crafty projects I’ve started and have yet to finish. I’ve got Bible study files jammed with outlines, notes, and even complete rough drafts. But when life demands press in for attention, those things tend to slip behind in importance and I don’t get them polished and finished enough to share. After all, the truth is, the exciting part was in the research... and editing, well, I don’t know any writers who say that’s their favorite part! 

Paul’s admonition to the Corinthians pertained to finishing the preparation of the gift they had decided earlier to prepare for another, poorer church. If intentions were as good as the gift itself, everyone in my life would feel loved up one side and down the other. I have a myriad of good intentions to send cards, flowers, meals. I have the intention of spending quality time with more people than is humanly possible. And I constantly come up short of the completion mark. Sometimes it’s because I expect things that just can’t be attained, sometimes it’s because it wasn’t the Lord’s will, and sometimes it’s because I stunk at follow-through. 

What good intentions have you recently had, but failed to complete? (Terrible question, I know!) Are there any of those intentions you can complete this week? This month? This Summer? Pray about something the Lord wants you to complete this Summer and get crackin’! Share your completion efforts with the rest of us to enter this week’s give-away!

PS - I’m leaving this topic open for the duration of the Summer on our Pinterest group board so we can finish things with excellence and then share them. It might also take you some time to figure out just what and how the Lord wants you to finish. So I want you to have the time!

Download the Bible verse card set here to help remind you of God's word on the subject. Sign up for the weekly Summer Refreshment series here. This week's give-away is The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon: It's Always Too Soon to Quit! Post a picture or share your quest for completion with the rest of us on facebook, twitter or on the pinterest group board (directions for how to be added to the group are on the first pin).

Summer Refreshment Series Give-Away: Too Soon To Quit