CAIN's Beautiful Official Music Video for 'Friend In Jesus'

Published Aug 05, 2024
CAIN's Beautiful Official Music Video for 'Friend In Jesus'

Talented Christian music trio Cain has released the official music video for their song “Friend in Jesus.”

No one would have a chance without the love, grace, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ willingly went to the cross, enduring a brutal, agonizing and wholly undeserved death on behalf of you and me. He took our place on the cross, doing what only He could have done.

Without Christ’s loving sacrifice, we would all be destined to live out our days on this Earth in sin and shame. But Christ’s death and resurrection changed the course of human history. His death has bridged the gap that sin had caused between us and God. Because of Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven of our sins and experience everlasting life with Him.

CAIN's official music video for their song “Friend in Jesus” mentions the dramatic difference and change that Christ has made in their lives. Since He came into their lives, forgiving them of their sins and transgressions, their lives have never been the same. They have found a healer, someone who knows their every pain. He is their shepherd, who always protects, guides and directs.

The song’s beautiful chorus perfectly captures who Jesus is and what He means to them.

“Oh, I have found a friend in Jesus

He is everything to me

I have found a friend in Jesus

Yes, He is my everything”

Christ’s love, forgiveness and grace are gifts that are offered to all. He gives rest to the weary, shelter during the storm and forgiveness to people who confess and believe in their hearts that Christ is Lord. He can and will come into your heart and life and do the same.

Praise God for His Son, Jesus Christ. As the Bible states, no one can come to the Father except through Christ.

1 John 1:7 “But if we are walking in the light, as he is in the light, we are all united with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, makes us clean from all sin.”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Cain

Originally published Monday, 05 August 2024.