A Prayer for Parents to Shepherd Their Children’s Hearts | Your Daily Prayer

Jessica Van Roekel

Author of Reframing Rejection
Published Aug 09, 2024

The children you’ve placed within our home are gifts from you. Help me to steward the responsibility well. Forgive me where I’ve failed to guard my children’s hearts. Help me to shepherd them the way you shepherd me—with integrity, with kindness, with direction, with discipleship, and with sacrificial love. It’s hard to guard their hearts as well as my own. I need your help. Give me diligence to stay the course. Give me your sound counsel to know what needs to stay and what needs to go for their best—not for my convenience. I don’t want to substitute religion or rituals in place of guarding their hearts. I want to be alert to what’s happening in them, which means I need to be alert to what’s happening in mine. Help me rethink my priorities if my spiritual hunger for more of you is decreasing. Fill me with renewed desire for you, your Word, and your ways so I can shepherd my kiddos' hearts. I need your wisdom to guard what goes into my kids’ hearts so what comes out is pleasing to you and helpful for their spiritual growth. Let me guard them well so it’s easier for them to choose you and to walk in your path and purpose for their life. In Jesus’ name, Amen 

Video by Skylar Cochran Thumbnail & Stock footage courtesy of Canva.com 

Jessica Van Roekel author headshotJessica Van Roekel loves the upside-down life of following Jesus as she journeys to wholeness through brokenness. As an author, speaker, and worship leader, she uses her gifts and experiences to share God’s transformative power to rescue, restore, and renew. She longs for you to know that rejection doesn’t have to define or determine your future when placed in God’s healing hands. Find out more reframingrejectionbook.com You can connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

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