5 Ways to Fight Fear in a World that Seems Scary

Debbie McDaniel

In a world that often seems dark or difficult, we may find ourselves facing great battles with fear and anxiety each day. Though we know God’s truth and believe in His word, there’s this struggle we can’t seem to shake off, and sometimes we find ourselves trapped right in the mess of it all. Yet reality tells us that so much of what we spend our time worrying about never even happens. Living under the weight of the “what if’s” is a hard place to dwell.

God has words of life – of truth – that He wants to speak straight into our fears and worries. And as we choose to soak them in, meditating on them, and praying them back to Him, we will be changed. We’ll be set free from the burden of fear, the weight of worry, and the entanglement of anxiety.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/francescoch

When the struggle feels too hard, believe that He is there:

One of my favorite verses which has carried me through so many difficult and uncertain times is found in Isaiah 41:10. It is the Lord’s very clear reminder to our hearts not to fear. For He is with us. He is our God. He strengthens us. He helps us. He upholds us with His righteous right hand. Nothing in this verse ever says it’s all up to us to make it through somehow. But it assures us that our God who never sleeps or slumbers is at work in us, through us, and He promises to hold us up. There’s surely no better, no safer place to be, but to be held by Him.

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

Dear God,

The fear and anxiety we face often feels like too much to carry. We’re weary, worn, burdened down with too many cares. We come before you today, and we lay it all down at your feet. We know that without you, it is impossible to be truly set free from the things that would seek to entrap us. But through your mighty power, we can be restored and renewed. We can shake off the shackles of fear and anxiety, moving forward in your grace and truth. Thank you for reminding us that we never have to fear, for you are truly with us, giving us strength for every moment, and help through every day. Fill us fresh with your Spirit and with the faith to believe that you are at work in us, through us, for your great purposes and plans. Thank you that you are bigger than these fears we face.

In Jesus’ Name,


Photo Credit: Unsplash/Nick Decorte

Choose to rely on God’s peace over panic:

The enemy will always lure us towards panic and worry if we focus on all that is wrong in this world. But God offers us confident peace that can never be found in this life without Him. I struggled with fear and worry for years. Maybe you find yourself there too many days. But through time, I began to find the things that once would have sent me down an anxious spiral, no longer had the same effect. It didn’t happen quickly, but over days, months, years.

I read words of life, of truth, soaking them in, over and over, praying them out loud until they became so familiar, they replaced the other things in my mind that I’d battled against. There’s nothing magical about words and verses, but there is power through them, because they’re God’s words.

Change happened. Anxious thoughts began to diminish. Worry let go of its constant grip. And though fear is sometimes still there, it no longer wields control, holding me back, paralyzing me in its grasp. His words are “life” words, soothing to our souls, calming to our spirits, giving power to our days.

It’s not always easy, and it often comes down to a choice:

  • Choosing not to allow fear and anxiety to control your life.
  • Choosing to guard your heart.
  • Choosing to focus your mind on what is truth in the midst of uncertain times.

We might still feel afraid, but we can believe that God is with us. We may not be in control, but we can trust the One who is. We may not know the future, but we can find security in the God who does.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

Dear God,

We choose faith over fear today. We choose to set our eyes on you and not on our circumstances. We choose joy over despair and peace over worry. Silence the lies of the enemy over us. Please give us the awareness we need to step over his traps. Help us choose not to worry but instead to pray about all that concerns us, allowing your Spirit to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. We trust you to protect our way and to bring us safely through these problems we’re facing. Thank you for your great care over us. We love you Lord, and we need you, today and every day.

In Jesus’ Name,


Photo Credit: Getty Images/Everste

Remember that God hasn’t lost control:

When the future feels uncertain and worry keeps occupying too much room in our minds, in our hearts, God gives us the promise that He remains secure. He alone is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. So we don’t have to wrestle with fear-filled thoughts and be weighed down by overwhelming pressure and stress.

No matter what we face, He hasn’t lost control. It may seem as if life is too chaotic and uncertain, but God remains steadfast, immovable, and strong. He doesn’t change based on our circumstances or popular opinion. Nothing takes Him unaware. And He can turn around for good whatever hard times we walk through in this life.

We can confidently trust that the Lord will take every trial or season of brokenness that has caused worry and havoc in our lives, and use it to bring great blessing, deeper perseverance, and glory to Himself instead. He is fully able to show Himself strong on our behalf, as we allow Him to do what only He can do. What seems impossible to us is possible for our mighty God. For He can accomplish far more than we could ever think or imagine.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

Dear God,

Thank you for your promise that you are our refuge and strength in times of trouble. Thank you for your powerful presence with us, no matter what we face today. We believe that you go before us, are with us every step of this journey, and that you cover us from behind. Forgive us for the times we’ve worked so hard to be self-sufficient, forgetting our need for you, living independent of your Spirit. Forgive us for allowing fear and anxiety to control our minds and decisions. We ask you to provide for our needs, even when we can’t see a way out of our current situation. We pray that you would cover us with your huge favor and grace. Thank you, Father God, that you see the big picture, and you are at work mightily on our behalf, even behind the scenes where we can’t fully see. We know that you will never waste our pain, and you are working all things out for good and for blessing up ahead. We trust you fully, our hope is in you alone.

In Jesus’ Name,


Photo Credit: Unsplash/Christian Weiss

When you feel overwhelmed and burdened, give your cares over to Him:

So often in life, deep weariness and fear go hand in hand. Eventually, one will lead straight to the other. Fear will make us weary, and weariness will make us afraid. It’s hard to separate the two. And sometimes we just need the reminder, that God sees. He knows your situation—what you do, how you care, how you give, and extend so much grace to others. He understands your feelings of being drained and weary. He wants to lift you out of the “overwhelm” and fill you again with His great peace and seasons of refreshing. The world can’t offer that—even the people and things we love most. Nothing else can fill us with the true hope that only comes from knowing Christ.

He’s the burden lifter, my friends. I’ve seen it again and again through life. We seriously can’t pull off those big loads on our own; they’re hard to let go of sometimes. But His gentle, yet strong reminder to our hearts this morning whispers these words. “Let me carry it for you. I’ve got this burden, and nothing is too big for me to handle, so you can let go, and keep moving on strong. I’m paving your way, leading you forward out of stuck places, covering you in my care. I’m filling you with peace, with greater joy, no matter what the pressures of the week have been. You can know full well that I understand your struggle and I am here.” May God help us to make the choice to look up today, to set our eyes on Jesus and off the struggles that surround. Peace.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Dear God,

We desperately want to give all these anxious thoughts over to you, but many times we don’t even know how to fully let go. Please help us to release our cares to you. We’ve been carrying things you never asked us to carry; they’ve weighed us down and made us afraid. But you Lord, are the burden lifter, the One who knows our way. Thank you for your great compassion over your children. We are lost and overwhelmed without you. Thank you for your powerful promise of rest for those who choose to come to you. No matter the struggles we’re facing today, we believe in your faithfulness to see us through.

In Jesus’ Name,


Photo Credit: Unsplash

God is powerful enough to protect and care for us in whatever we face:

It’s true, this world can be a scary place. It’s often easy to say, “we trust God.” Yet these very words can be hard to actually live out. When we truly find rest and hope in Him alone, nothing has the power to shake us. We stand on firm ground, safe territory. We’re protected, surrounded, and held secure. But it’s a choice we must make every day, to “dwell” in that safe place.

One of the biggest fears many of us may find ourselves battling is that something bad will happen to our loved ones. Reality is, we can’t always be with them, nor can we protect them from all harm that may come their way. But we can find great power through prayer and God’s word. They are weapons of warfare over the darkness, and God is faithful to work on behalf of His children. He is with us, and our loved ones, always. And He is a Mighty God.

We can trust His protection and care to constantly surround our lives, and those we love. He never promises us this life will be easy. In fact, His word even says that we may face difficult battles. But He also reminds us over and over that He will be near us in it all. And we know He will hold us secure.

“For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.” (Psalm 91:11)

Dear God,

Thank you for your presence with us, thank you for your Almighty Shadow. We praise you for your protection and care over our lives, and over our loved ones. You surround us as a shield, even when we’re not aware. Thank you that you go before us and cover us from behind; that you are in our midst, and our future is secure in the place you’re preparing for us.

Your words bring such hope and comfort in the times we’ve struggled with fear and anxious thoughts. Remind us again of your great strength today. May we see glimpses of your glory and blessing as we follow after you. May we continually reflect your light, peace, and hope to a world that so desperately needs your presence and healing, for victory and salvation are found in you alone.

In Jesus’ Name,


Photo Credit: Unsplash/Anita Austvika


Debbie McDaniel is a writer, pastor's wife, mom to three amazing kids (and a lot of pets). Join her each morning on Fresh Day Ahead's Facebook page, for daily encouragement in living strong, free, hope-filled lives. Find her also on Twitter and at her blog www.debbiemcdaniel.com.

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