A Prayer Guide for the Next Season of Life

As I look back on the past few months, in my little sphere of the world, it was a tough season. Death, rejection, sickness, relational discord, and violence ravaged the lives of many people I know, including myself. It was painful to watch. Painful to experience and endure. But love, joy, hope, faith, and the promise of a new season remain. I’ve been praying a lot for the next season of life—for God to make beauty out of the ashes—and in those prayers I feel nothing but hope for the season ahead. Regardless of the waiting or what happens in the months ahead, I’m expecting God to do some pretty amazing things. And I’m hopeful that with this fresh start, my faith will only continue to strengthen and grow. I’m hoping this for you, too.
Today, I want to invite you to feed your faith in the waiting by joining me in this 15-day prayer and Scripture guide that will help you hit the reset button on your walk with Jesus. Each day’s prayer challenge revolves around one area of focus, but you can feel free to add to it as you feel led by the Spirit. Ready to prepare and step into the season God has prepared for you? Let’s get started!
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