Girlfriends in God - Mar. 13, 2009

March 13, 2009 
Close to God’s Heart 
Cindi Wood

Today’s Truth 
“No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice.  My body rests in safety.”  Psalm 16:9

Friend to Friend 
My friend Heather gave birth four weeks ago.  Caleb is a preemie; he’s a tiny 3.9 lb miracle of joy to his mom and dad.  When Jonathan phoned to give us a progress report, he commented, “Caleb’s heart-rate keeps dropping, but when we are sitting close to him and he hears us talking, it returns to normal.”   My soul immediately swelled with gratefulness for the security of my Heavenly Father’s love.  Just like little Caleb, who knows the sound of his parents’ voices and finds security in their presence, my very being is connected to the heart of my Heavenly Father. I have no reason to fear, to worry, or to question the path ahead.  His Spirit lives inside of me and He’s directing each step of my every day. The promise we can rest in is this; if we, His children really want to experience His peace, we can – by listening to His voice!

Now, you say. I’m busy!  My days are filled with running after my family, taking care of things at home, and countless other errands that involve work, church, meetings and appointments, and well – just living life.

Do you want to experience peace?  Are you listening for God’s voice? 

If your mind is screaming: I’m stressed, I’m worried, I’m exhausted, I’m unfulfilled, I don’t know what I’m going to do . . . and similar venting, then could it be you’re not listening for His voice?

Dear Sister, if you are spending all of your energy in trying to get things done or on preventing a soon-to-be crisis, then perhaps you have no energy left simply to listen to the voice of God.  I want to remind you, as I often remind myself; when I put most of my energy on seeking God through His Word instead of trying to solve my problems,  it’s a sure thing I’ll experience His peace.  And not only His peace, but His direction, and His security.  If Jesus Christ lives inside of you, then you have everything you need to live quietly and sanely in the midst of chaotic daily living.  Just as surely as Caleb’s mom and dad are right by his side, my Heavenly Father is with me every moment of every day!  But in order to experience His peace, His direction, His joy . . . I must intentionally listen for His voice through His Word and engage with His heart through worship, prayer, and meditation.

His promise is sure in Hebrews 13:5-6. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you, so we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper: I will not fear.  What can man, or stress, do to me?”   (Italics mine)

Let’s Pray 
Dear Father, thank You for the assurance of Your love.  Thank You that in You, I find security, peace, and joy.  Oh Lord, give me the fortitude today, to put my greatest energy into seeking Your presence instead of accomplishing my tasks.  Forgive me for getting so caught up in my TO DO list, instead of being caught up in You.  Right now, I sit quietly and thankfully listening for Your voice.  I love You.

Now It’s Your Turn 
1)  During the past several days, have you spent most of your energy seeking God’s voice or in accomplishing your tasks?

2)  What is God speaking to your heart right now?

3)  Spend a few quiet moments offering Him your attention and your love.

4)  Make an intentional effort in the morning to listen for His voice before doing anything else.  Then thank Him for His presence in your life.

More from the Girlfriends 
Friend, when I make a deliberate effort each morning to seek God’s heart, then the busy-ness of the day ahead doesn’t consume me.  The Frazzled Female Devotional Journal was written with that in mind.  I invite you to check it out at  May the Lord bless you as you listen for His voice. 

Seeking God?
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how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

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Originally published Friday, 13 March 2009.