Girlfriends in God - June 22, 2009

June 22, 2009 
I Love a Good Plan! 
Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth 
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight” (NIV).

Friend To Friend 
When our children became teenagers, we realized that a new plan for their allowances was needed.  Dan and I were tired of being asked for money by two teenagers who enjoyed the privilege of a regular and generous allowance.  There seemed to be confusion about what their allowances should cover as opposed to those expenses that would fall under the responsibility of parental funding.  For example, our son, Jered, would fill up his truck with gas and then drive my car.  Our daughter, Danna, would buy a new pair of shoes and then need money for a movie.  It was obvious to Dan and to me that a new plan was obviously needed. 

Even though Jered and Danna seemed content with the old plan in place, we sat down with each one to make a list of what their allowances would cover, encouraging them to budget their money while setting aside part of each allowance for the special things they wanted to buy.  The result was a clear plan of how much money they would receive and an exact list of what it was to cover.  The confusion and frustration disappeared because the right plan was in place. 

Having a plan does not guarantee success but having the right plan is a great start.  We can work almost any plan and experience some level of success, but to be all that we can be, we must find and follow the right plan – God’s plan.  The story is told of a man whose Model T Ford broke down on the side of a country road.  He opened the hood and was attempting to find and solve the problem – with no success – when another car pulled up behind him.  A well-dressed, distinguished man got out of the car and asked if he could be of any service.  Within minutes, he had the car running smoothly.  The owner of the car was amazed and said, “Thank you for your help.  How in the world did you find the problem and fix it?”  With a smile, Henry Ford replied, “Well, I made this car, so I should be able to repair it.”  The same is true when it comes to our lives.  God created us in response to a perfect plan and purpose so when we stumble and fall or have no clue what the next step is, it only makes sense to turn to the One who created us.

In Proverbs 3:5-6, God promises to “make our paths straight” when we do three things:

1.      Trust God.  The word “trust” means to “to have confidence in” and to do so with an attitude of anticipation.  In other words, when we choose to trust God and seek His plan, He will fill our heart with peace.  God is not the author of confusion.  More than we want to know His plan … He wants us to know His plan. 

2.      Depend on God.  When we depend wholly on God, we must abandon everything we are to everything He is.  To depend on God is to recognize Him as our source … for everything. 

3.      Obey God.  Obedience to God is the result of always keeping a “yes” in your heart when it comes to His truth and His plan at work in our life.  An applied truth is a learned truth. 

Before the Southerland family takes a trip, my husband, Dan, makes the plan.  He makes reservations, books hotels, plans stops and makes it happen.  We have come to trust his plans because we know he makes every choice in that plan for the good of his family.  God’s plan for your life is good.  Don’t miss it! 

Let’s Pray 
Father, please help me become more dependent on You each day, seeking Your plan above my own.  I want what You want for my life even though I don’t always understand the way You are working it out.  I want to walk by faith – not by sight.  I want to rest in You – instead of in my own strength and power.  Today, I choose You and celebrate Your perfect and good plan for my life.

In Jesus’ name, 

Now It’s Your Turn 
Take a few minutes to look back over your life. 

  • Can you remember a time when God’s plan seemed impossible to you?  Why? 
  • How did you respond to God’s plan?  What was the outcome?  
  • Read and memorize Jeremiah 29:11.  
  • Choose right now to trust God’s heart even when you don’t understand His hand at work in your life.

More From The Girls 
Ouch!  Surrendering to God’s plan is often difficult for me.  I am so human!  At times, I honestly act on some ridiculous premise that my plan is absolutely the right plan for my life.  Looking back over the years, I now see so many times when my plan resulted in destruction and chaos.  I also see that God’s plan has always led to peace and a clear purpose. Join me today in a new commitment to seek and do God’s plan.  Blessings!

Need help discerning God’s plan for your life?  Check out Mary’s online bible study, Light for the Journey, for a bible study that is practical and applicable for you … right where you are.

Visit Mary’s online store and pick up a book, CD or download an MP3 for summer travel.  Mary also has several E-Book Bible Studies that are perfect for your daily quiet time or even a small group bible study. Check it out! 

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

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Originally published Monday, 22 June 2009.