My Daddy Can Fix It! - Girlfriends in God - June 1, 2018

June 1, 2018
My Daddy Can Fix It!
Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1, NIV).

Friend to Friend

Nori is our youngest grandchild. Her blue eyes, quick smile, and spunky personality will capture your heart in a split second. But one of the things I love most about Nori is the faith she has in her daddy. It is the kind of faith I want to have in my God.

Our son Jered is a construction project manager and a master carpenter. Since he was a little boy, he has loved building and repairing things. That love has grown into a profession that now provides for his family.

One Sunday all of the kids and grandkids were at our house for lunch. The six grandkids were playing in our basement while the adults visited upstairs. Suddenly I heard Nori sniffling her way up the stairs. I stopped what I was doing in the kitchen and met her at the top of the stairs with a big hug. “What’s wrong, honey?” I asked. She held up her broken toy and said, “Mimi, it’s bwoke!” I wiped away her tears and said, “It’s okay, Nori. Mimi will get you another one.” With a shake of her head, Nori grinned and said, “No! Daddy fix it!” She wiggled out of my arms and ran to find her daddy who did indeed fix it.

Faith is the deeply-rooted confidence that God can “fix” any problem in our lives. He may not always fix it the way we would choose, but He always takes what is broken and fixes it for our good.   

Faith is the ability to trust what we cannot see. Faith is willing to take risks, embrace the unseen, and step away from the safety of the shore.

Too often, we fear the outcome or don’t understand the step God has asked us to take.

We are afraid to fail.

We are more concerned about our reputation as a Christian than we are about being obedient to God. As long as the enemy can keep us preoccupied with a selfish perspective, our faith is impotent. 

Many people say they do believe God is who He says He is, and that He is able to do what He says He will do, but falter at the point of believing God is willing to work in their lives. If we don’t believe He is willing to keep His promises, we are not walking in faith.

Belief is worthless until it changes the way we live.

If we don’t live it, we don’t really believe it.

Even the disciples struggled with believing God. The disciples had personally witnessed God’s willingness and power to save His children. But in Matthew 14, we find them in a boat, caught in a storm - afraid and still questioning God’s willingness to rescue them.

Between three and six o’clock in the morning, Jesus came to them, walking on the water (Matthew 14:25, NCV).

Did they cry out in fear? Yes!

Did He come? Yes!

Jesus came to the disciples, walking on the water, between three and six o’clock in the morning, the darkest time of the night. I have often wished I could have been on that boat with the disciples, waiting for Jesus to show up. I imagine the questions and complaints were flying.

“Why would Jesus send us out here, knowing the waves were high?”

“Where is He? Why is He waiting so long to rescue us?”

“Can’t He just calm the waves like He did before?”

“Seriously! I ministered all day long and this is my reward?”

“Is He really coming? I don’t understand!”

Sound familiar? It does to me.               

We are quick to believe the lie that God is angry with us and will not bless our lives or meet our needs. The truth is that God is willing and waiting to pour out His favor and blessings on a life of faith. Hebrews tells us that faith always honors God and God always honors faith. 

Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is real and that He rewards those who truly want to find Him (Hebrews 11:6, NCV). 

I think part of the problem is that we don’t know how to define “blessing.” A blessing is not always easy, painless, simple, comfortable, or expected. A blessing often comes, wrapped in the mystery of darkness.

I am learning an important truth about blessings. Anything that makes us cry out to God can be counted as a blessing. Why? Because when we are desperate and in pain, when we have no answers and the darkness is closing in, when our lives are broken, we cry out to God … and He comes through!

Let’s Pray

Father, I come to You today with a faith that seems so small. I want to believe You, Lord. I want to walk by faith, knowing that You will keep every promise You have ever made. Help my unbelief, Lord.

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

Read Psalm 86:15 (NIV) “But You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.”

Record this verse in your journal. Then make a list of the words in this verse that describe God. What do these words tell you about God’s willingness to bless your life?

What is the first step of faith you need to take today?

More from the Girlfriends

Don’t miss Mary’s SUMMER SALE this week! Included in the sale is Mary’s new CD, Getting a Grip on Fear. This powerful message offers five steps that will help your faith grow as you learn to face and deal with your fears.

Be sure to check out the FREE MP3s on Mary’s website and connect with Mary through email or on Facebook.

Seeking God?

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Originally published Friday, 01 June 2018.