Long Live the King - Daughters of Promise - May 22, 2019


I said to myself, “God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.” Ecclesiastes 3:17

By assuming my place on the throne, I set myself up to be king of my world. It didn’t work out well because that’s not how I was wired by God to be at peace. I was meant to be a child in His kingdom, not the pretend-King who failed to bow to the real King of the Universe. God’s message in scripture became very clear ~ Give God back His rightful place, put the fate of those who have wronged me into His hands, trust Him to rule over them, and then live by faith that He will do so with holiness. Daily, I remind myself that my posture and mantra is, ‘Long Live The King!’

What trips up most every child of God is that God can appear inactive and and we wrongly assume that He is also uncaring. He doesn’t appear to love as well as we love our own children. When they hurt, we come running. When they are wronged, we rise to defend. When they cry that something is unfair, we listen and mediate if necessary. Yet, God tells us that He loves us purely and perfectly. He tells us that all His intentions for us are good. He tells us that anyone who messes with us – touches the apple of His eye. How do I believe that when my heart is aching with injustice?

I go immediately to the parallel of Jesus’ life on earth and my life on earth. That’s where I find so many of my answers. He was hunted down by Herod’s henchmen. That was unfair. His ministry was fraught with dangers I can’t begin to understand and God didn’t deliver Him from everyone. Some, yes. Others, no. His suffering was part of God’s redemptive narrative. What was absolutely so stunning about it all was Jesus’ absolute trust in His Father. His love and confidence in His Father never fractured while suffering. He never doubted His Father’s love and favor.

A little further in our study, we will see that Jesus had to trust God to rule righteously when relationships with people, and Satan, got dicey. He had to make the choice to live by faith and He learned this, scripture says, through obedience. His way, His path, is also my way, and my path.

You will make all things right in glory. Yet mercifully, You also do some of that now. When You don’t, I will trust You. Amen

Originally published Wednesday, 22 May 2019.