A Picture of Abundance - Daughters of Promise - June 7

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For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love getting a great deal.  “If you buy one of these, we’ll give you five of that.” It seems too good to be true and we wonder where the catch is but we seem to do it anyway.  God’s provision of the Lamb was truly the picture of abundance.  His offer left mankind staggering.  There were no tricks.  His offer was a picture of gracious abundance.

Here’s who God is and how generous His heart is ~ Through Adam’s one sin, we all died and were eternally condemned.   Through Christ, our many sins are forgiven and we are eternally blessed.   The icing on the cake is this ~ through His death we are not just restored to Adam’s position before the fall.   That would be enough over which to dance.  But no, we are restored and we will reign with Christ.

I went from a state of complete depravity to a position of reigning in righteousness.  How is that possible except for God’s abundant heart!   It’s called ‘my justification through faith.'

Satan would have me believe that God is a withholding God.  He is quick to tell me that God is passive, watching me suffer and withholding deliverance and healing.  Romans 5:17, committed to memory, is my response when Satan appears to me in my own wilderness of testing.  Like Jesus, the Word is on my tongue.  I don’t cave to Satan’s offer to get me out of pain earlier than God would.  I wait for God.  His timing is perfect, His grace sustains me until then, and however deliverance looks, it will be the picture of abundance.

I can’t believe your heart.  Who has ever loved me like you?!  Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

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Originally published Friday, 07 June 2024.