How to Discuss Romans 1:26-27 with Homosexual Family and Friends

Vivian Bricker

Contributing Writer
Updated Jun 14, 2023
How to Discuss Romans 1:26-27 with Homosexual Family and Friends

 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error." Romans 1:26-27

First Things First, Pray.

This is a powerful verse that can be hard to share with family and friends who are struggling with homosexuality. Before doing so, pray. Prayer is often overlooked, yet we must try to include it more in our everyday lives. Go to God in prayer before discussing these verses. Ask Him to open the hearts and minds of family and friends struggling with homosexuality and equip you with the right message.

God is faithful, and He will come to help you. He will never leave you in any endeavor you do, especially in sharing deep truths of the Bible. After you have prayed, try to have an open mind and heart to understand their point of view. Homosexuality is a sin, yet it is also a mental health issue. This tells us that while a person can struggle with this sin, they are also battling something wrong in their minds. We need to keep this in mind as we are discussing Romans 1:26-27 as well as other passages of the Bible.

Be Kind and Remain Calm.

Be kind, caring, and loving in conversation. Be mindful of your tone of voice and nonverbal communication. Also, be mindful of facial expressions. Don't do anything that could be disrespectful, hurtful, or mean. Be open, caring, and understanding, yet ensure you are not compromising what the Bible says in this passage of Scripture. Our loyalty to God always comes first, and we need to ensure we obey Him rather than please a man.

When discussing Romans 1:26-27 with homosexual family and friends, try to separate each passage. First, cover Romans 1:26, "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones." As this passage says, God gave the people over to their shameful lusts because of the people's sin and refusal to turn to Him. What are these shameful lusts? They are said to be women having sexual relations with other women instead of men. The Bible tells us that sexual relations are only between a married man and a married woman (Genesis 2:24).

Anything outside of this design is sinful and unbiblical. Romans 1:26 shows that sexual relations between two people of the same sex is unnatural. This means that it is not correct and it is wrong. In the second half of this passage, we are told, "In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error" (Romans 1:27). This passage also tells us that men followed suit and engaged in passionate lust for one another instead of with women. 

Yes, again, we are told the men "abandoned natural relations" and chose to lust after their sex. In all this, homosexual relationships are sinful, unnatural, and go against God's design. These are important aspects you must bring up as you share this passage with friends and family struggling with homosexuality. If they know Jesus as their Savior and Lord, it should convict them. However, if they don't know Jesus, they might not see things the same way as you do and as the Bible says. Don't let this dishearten you; allow it to motivate you.

Use this as a motivator because it gives you the opportunity and privilege to share the Gospel with someone who doesn't know Jesus. While I cannot promise they will accept Jesus, I can promise you are doing what God wants you to do. All you are to do is share the Gospel and the Bible's truths, such as Romans 1:26-27; however, you cannot make anyone accept it or believe it. They have to do this on their own and make their own decision. 

Lead with Love.

You can also pray for them during and after your discussion on Romans 1:26-27. While it might feel like your endeavor was a failure, it isn't a failure if it didn't change someone's heart and mind right then and there. You never know how God will use what you said and did to impact their heart and mind to know Him and repent of their sin. You might even find your family or friends struggling with homosexuality reaching out to ask more questions about the topic.

Even if they might not be interested in learning more right away, give them time. God might lead them back to more conversation on the topic, but they might resist it now. It might take several months to several years, so patience is important. In the meantime, it is important to continue to pray for them and share the truth of the Bible. As I mentioned, you cannot make anyone believe or accept anything, yet you can do what is right: share the truth of the Bible.

If you are feeling particularly overwhelmed about discussing Romans 1:26-27 with friends and family members who struggle with homosexuality, ask another Christian to help you in your discussion. They can provide help, support, and encouragement throughout the discussion. This extra person might also be able to help you in your prayers before, during, and after the discussion. God wants us to work together and have unity as the body of believers. This can be a great way to utilize teamwork and help those come to a proper knowledge of the Bible.

If the worst-case scenario happens and your family or friends struggling with homosexuality get upset, leave, or yell at you, remain calm, collected, and peaceful. If they say hurtful words or actions, don't retaliate, seek revenge, or allow yourself to become angry. Sit in the peace of knowing the Lord and give them time to calm down. By remaining calm and not returning their anger, you demonstrate Jesus' patience, kindness, and love. This little effort can go a long way and help them know the genuine truth of Romans 1:26-27

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/fizkes

Vivian BrickerVivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.