God is the God of miracles. We see God performing miracles not only in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament. We often think God is only limited to the miracles we see in the Bible; however, God is still performing miracles today. Maybe God isn’t parting the Red Sea of raising people from the dead, but He is still performing miracles in our everyday life.
The earliest miracle my family experienced was before my birth. My older sister was a premature baby, weighing in at 2 pounds, 2 ounces. The chances of her survival were very small. She had to stay in the premature ward for a long time; however, she was healthy enough to come home in a few months. I will never forget how many times my mom said how much of a miracle it was that my sister was to still alive. My sister is my best friend, and I'm so thankful God blessed my family with this miracle.
Miracles in Everyday Life
It is easy to overlook all of the miraculous things God does every day. Recently there have been forest fires in Canada that have been affecting the air quality of a good majority of America. My state has been impacted, and there have been many days when the air is so smoky that it is hazy. It wasn’t until these days that I became aware of the truth that I had taken clear skies and good air quality for granted. I was able to recognize that it was a blessing for God to provide us with clear skies and clean air.
Not everyone in the world has clean air, as many third-world countries have bad pollution, and working with coals, it causes them to have hazy skies and bad air quality. Through this, we can see God working miracles because, despite the impact of the forest fires in Canada, our skies and air quality returned back to normal, unlike the skies and air quality in other countries. While this is a small example, it is important not to overlook these blessings in our everyday lives and how they could be seen as a miracle by many who are not used to it.
The Ability to Think, Reason, and Communicate
We can also see how the God of miracles acts in our everyday lives in the sense that we have the ability to think, reason, and communicate. This very fact attests to intelligent design despite the opposing arguments of evolution. It is a true miracle every day just to simply live and to exist. To be able to have the ability to think, reason, and communicate is an act of God in our lives each day. At any point, God could end everything. With a snap of His fingers, the air from our lungs could be gone, our hearts would stop beating, and we would die.
Thankfully this is not how God works because He is a God of miracles. Being here right now is a miracle. I remember in my science class during undergrad, our professor taught us that our ears are so well wired and tuned because if they could pick up on slightly higher wavelengths, we would be able to hear all the screams of the particles around us. How our ears are wired and tuned prevents us from hearing these noises, which again attests to the miraculous work of the Lord. This shows us how God is the God of miracles in our daily life because if we were created just slightly differently, we would not be immune to the high-pitched sounds that surround us.
Amazing Miracles
Many of us might not take miracles in the modern world as being real, but there are some real miracles that occur. Granted, much of what is seen on the news or social media is made up; however, there are miracles happening every day, even if they are not reported. These miracles are done by God Himself because He is the God of miracles. From the woman deciding to not have an abortion to the man who chooses to not end his life are all miracles from God. While these individuals may not even know Jesus as their Savior and Lord, He could be reaching out to them.
This leads us to the truth that our greatest example of how the God of miracles acts in our everyday life is by the means of salvation. Salvation was only accomplished by the Lord Himself, who came down from Heaven to die the death we all deserved. He took on human flesh and suffered for the sins we have done. He died on the cross, and three days later, He rose from the dead. Now, for all who would place faith in Him by believing that He died for their sins, was buried, and rose again, they are given forgiveness of sins, redemption, and eternal life (John 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
Salvation is by far the greatest account of the miracles that God performs in our everyday lives today. Through salvation, a person is brought from death to life. There is no other way to obtain salvation apart from placing faith in the Lord. While there are many things in the world that one can try to believe in, only Jesus truly saves a person from their sin and gives them the free gift of salvation.
Sadly, many of us overlook this everyday miracle. There are many people each day experiencing this miracle, and you, too, also experienced this miracle at one point in your life. In fact, if you are a believer, you are still experiencing this miracle and will have the full realization of this miracle when you pass from this life to the next. God is the God of miracles in this way as He promises us a new life, a better life in a New Heaven and New Earth. People long ago wouldn't have even imagined such a wonderful place, yet God will create this New Heaven and New Earth in the future, and it will be our eternal home.
Noticing Everyday Miracles
Try reflecting on your own everyday life and see if you can see how God is the God of miracles in your own everyday life. Notice the blessings and the beautiful things that accompany every day. Maybe it's the oxygen you are breathing when you wake up or the beautiful sunshine coming through your window. It could be the sound of birds tweeting outside or the excitement of catching up with a loved one. If we look closer, we are able to see how God is the God of miracles and how much this shows up in our everyday lives.
We don't need to overlook this beautiful truth because it will cause us to take many things for granted. Once we take things for granted, we might not be thankful for them until they are gone. Loved ones can easily be taken for granted until they are out of our lives. As we can see, there are wonderful miracles each and every day, and they are only possible because of God. Every good thing comes from God, and He is the God of miracles.
Photo Credit: Unsplah/Jessica Rockowitz