5 Ways for an Introvert to Share the Gospel

Sharing the Gospel can be scary for anyone; however, for introverts, it can be especially scary. An introvert is defined as “a person whose personality is characterized by introversion : a typically reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone” (Introvert,” Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2022). If you are an introvert, know you are not alone. I am an introvert, so I know how difficult and scary it can be to interact with others on a daily basis, much less sharing the Gospel. However, just because a person is an introvert does not mean they cannot share the Gospel as well as an extrovert. In fact, I know many introverts who can share the Gospel with great fervor. 

If you are an introvert, check out five ways to share the Gospel:

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Joshua Ness

1. Servant Evangelism

One way to share the Gospel as an introvert is through servant evangelism. Servant evangelism is performing acts of service to share Christ’s love in our actions. A good example of servant evangelism is how Jesus washed His disciples' feet (John 13:1-17). Jesus took the form of a servant not only in this circumstance, but in many circumstances. 

The Lord also showed us the greatest example of servant evangelism when He came from heaven to earth to redeem us from our sins. Paul tells us, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:5-8). 

As followers of Christ, we can share the Gospel by mirroring Jesus’ example of servant evangelism. Even though we will not die for the sins of the world, and it's likely we will never wash another person's feet, we can still help others hear the Good News of Jesus by sharing the Gospel through our actions. Introverts can particularly benefit from servant evangelism because it helps to take that first step of telling someone about Christ in a way that doesn't feel like assuming center stage or prepping for potential confrontation. Servant evangelism paves the way for creating and sustaining friendships with a soul-filled purpose. 

2. Friendship Evangelism

A second way to share the Gospel for introverts is through friendship evangelism. Friendship evangelism is where you share the Gospel to your friends who are unbelievers. As an introvert, I know it can be challenging to talk to others; however, talking to longtime friends can be less difficult. Maybe some of the friends you have need to hear the Gospel; they need to know Jesus. Since you are already friends with them, it might not be as hard, or awkward, to share the Gospel with them. In fact, it won't feel like the stereotypical evangelism, like you are being pushy or "Bible-beating" them because they already know you care about them. You share your heart with them as a true friend. 

Many people assume introverts don’t speak, or don't enjoy conversation with others; however, the truth is that we prefer to talk with our close friends rather than in large groups. It's not an issue with communication, but rather, it's a challenge to communicate with many people at once. If you presently don’t have any friends who are unbelievers, you can try to build new friendships and then share the Gospel. Now, this doesn't mean you should pretend to be someone's friend as a means of witnessing to them because this purpose, though noble in thought, can easily appear hypocritical to the nonbeliever. 

Pray to God, ask Him to send friends to you who need His love. Yes, this can sound scary at first; however, if you break evangelism down to one person at a time, one friend at a time, it doesn't seem so intimidating. 

Photo Credit: ©SWN

3. Find Common Ground

Another important way to share the Gospel can be done by introverts finding common ground with others. As a fellow introvert, we can often feel unmoored when we are communicating with others or at social events. Perhaps we are afraid we won't share the same hobbies or interests as others. However, even if we feel awkward, we can still try to find common ground with those who might not seem quite like us. 

Finding common ground, such as starting with small talk can lead into talking about your favorite things, which can lead to sharing the Gospel or connecting the Gospel to one of your new friend’s interests. Common ground can be that you both enjoy listening to a type of music, you both read the same book series, or you both love the same movies. Common ground can even be if you are both introverts. Sharing the Gospel can come easily after you have established common ground. Maybe your personal testimony is something that would resonate well, strike a personal chord, with the person you are witnessing too. In my case, I am able to connect the bad situations of my past and present as a way to connect to others who need Jesus’ love. Even common ground, such as having the same illness or both having a loved one passed away, can be common ground. 

This doesn't mean we are called to white lie our way into sharing "common ground" with others. However, if we approach others with kindness and vulnerability, sharing who we are, where we come from, and the more lighthearted details in between, we pave the way for serious, Gospel-centered conversation to be received well. 

4. Write, Photography, and Film

A creative way for introverts to share the Gospel is through writing, photography, and/or film. These creative outlets are perfect for those who are incredibly intimidated by conversation. Writing, photography, and film require little to none interaction with other people. An introvert can share the Gospel by writing articles, blogs, or books about their testimony and how they came to know Christ. After they have shared their testimony in writing, they can then turn to a presentation of the Gospel. 

Photography is another great, creative avenue for introverts to share the Gospel. You can share the Gospel in photography by taking photographs of God’s creation and pointing it back to the Gospel. With photography, the possibilities are truly endless. 

How to share the Gospel for an introvert can also be done through the creative outlet of film. For this type of creative presentation of the Gospel, you might have to work with a few people. Even if you don’t have professional film experience or a degree in cinematography does not mean that you cannot present the Gospel through film. A video camera or the video option on your phone are also great ways to record film for a presentation of the Gospel. You could write a script and have some friends reenact the story of the Gospel and put it on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok. As the filmmaker, you can stay behind the scenes, which for introverts, is a huge relief. Yet, you still showcase the power of the Gospel. 

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Green Chameleon

5. Don't Be Afraid of Rejection

A fifth way of how to share the Gospel for introverts is to not be afraid of rejection. When sharing the Gospel, the possibility of rejection is extremely high. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, a person can still reject the Gospel. A good thing to remember is that even though a person doesn’t accept the Gospel the first time you share it, that doesn't mean they will never accept the Gospel. Give them some time and let the Holy Spirit work. If a person accepts the Gospel or not is completely between them and God. Try not to take it personally when a person rejects the Gospel. Even if your presentation of the Gospel is not 100% perfect, God can still use it to reveal His glory. God's power to save a soul is not limited by our imperfections, but rather, it's stirred on by our best efforts at sharing His love. 

Sharing The Gospel

When you are deciding on which way you will share the Gospel, know that this is not an exhaustive list. Introverts can share the Gospel in many more ways. It is also worthwhile to mention that there is nothing wrong with being an introvert nor is there anything wrong with being an extrovert. They are both different personality traits—not flaws or something we should “work on.” It is sad that many people, even among the church, look down on introverts, but this shouldn’t be the case. Introverts can greatly help the church in our own unique ways. Maybe we are not as talkative as extroverts, but we still can help spread the Gospel and be the hands and feet of Christ to the lost world. If you are an introvert, rest in the truth that you can do great things for God. The Lord can use anybody with any personality type to take His Name to all people. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, the Lord’s command is the same, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20). 

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