Do I Really Know My Potential? - Daughters of Promise - February 5

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The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.  Psalm 92:12-14

Every living thing needs the right environment so it can be all God designed it to be.  Put a fish on a beach and he will slowly die.  A passerby will have no idea that he can swim or have a clue that swimming is in his nature.  He will lie there pathetically, leading others to misunderstand who he is. Put an eagle in water and you will never get to see him soar on wind thermals.  He will sink to the bottom.  Put a panther in a zoo and kids who see him through the glass will never understand that he can run at clocked speeds of 64 mph.  It is only when each of God's creation lives in his perfect environment that his full potential is released.  Only there can he rise to his spiritual destiny.  Are the wheels turning?

Put a child on earth, let him grow to be an adult who lives distanced from his Creator, and he will cease to be what he was created to be.  He will be a mere shadow of the Creator's intentions.  His gifts will be veiled.  His mind will shrink.  His spiritual capacities will be crippled.  His purpose will be hidden.  Man, woman, and child were each born to live with God and grow up in His presence.  It is only there where you and I flourish.

I used to think that only when I die will I be with God.  Only then would I know what it's like to be fully alive.  I was wrong.  Eternal life is available to me today.  The kingdom is here now.  Whether dead or alive, I can live in the presence of my Creator.  Time with Jesus during the day is more than just gleaning a few inspirational thoughts to make my day go better.  Learning from Him and staying near the source of everything holy and good is developmental.  I am stunted without Him.  My growth is arrested.  The tragedy is equivalent to a fish out of water, a bird confined to land, and a caged cougar.

Each of us has genius qualities because of Who it is that made us.  Whether or not these qualities are released to flourish have to do with our spiritual habitat.  As adults, it's up to us to make sure we live near the One who grows us up, defines us, and teaches us how to thrive.

I love being raised by You.  In Jesus name, Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Friday, 05 February 2021.