A Mosaic Life

Originally published Wednesday, 03 June 2015.

I took up making mosaics once. My flatmate and I embraced the craft with all enthusiasm. Not having any of the correct tools we took to breaking down odd pieces of pottery with a rolling pin and once we had ruined that we placed the china in a pillowcase and took turns hurling it off the deck. While it was definitely not the correct methodology it did nonetheless deliver the required results of small pieces of china (note pillowcase also ruined). We then began the painstaking task of carefully selecting the right pieces and creating our mosaic tile. At this point I must confess I decided that this was not the hobby for me, but my one attempt of creating a mosaic aubergine did hold pride of place in my kitchen for many years.

A mosaic is a great picture of life. Life is not a perfect cookie cut-out of balance and symmetry. Rather our lives are made of misshapen pieces all trying to fit together. Even the analogy of a jigsaw speaks of perfection and order not chaos. And life is more often than not ordered chaos! Plans can be made but circumstances outside our control make our lives organic to say the least. Work commitments, illness, unscheduled events, the weather even, can see to that.

But with God in control - when we surrender control to God - our lives can become beautiful artworks for His glory. A life surrendered to God means a life that is designed by God and illustrated with His grace and mercy. He is the author and perfecter of our faith - He is the master artist who lovingly cares about every single detail and aspect of our lives, even the awkward shaped ones. When we journey with God our lives become a beautiful mosaic masterpiece.

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)