It's All So Fragile - Daughters of Promise - August 12

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I hold my life in my hands continually, but I do not forget your law. Psalm 119:109

What makes you faint today? Physical danger, serious illness, a bitter confrontation, treachery? David understands. For many years of his life, he faced things that make grown men fall to their knees. Hunted down by friends, even family, he faced death daily. Rejected by his closest companions, he experienced betrayal at their hands. He knew what it was like to hold the essence of his life in his hands and see how fragile it was. In spite of that, in spite of the high alert and consistent adrenalin rush, he made much room for God’s law. He pushed other matters to the side so that internal space was reserved for what gave him the courage to live. God and the words God speaks. 

When danger presses in, it is easy to be consumed with survival. Fear would crowd out all other thoughts. By the time I rehearse what threatens me and how I can avert disaster, I’ve lost valuable time and placed myself in a precarious condition. God never created me to live in fear. It is not a friendly companion to the way I’m wired. My body suffers and weakens with every moment I cave into terror. My heart suffers and weakens as I rehearse all the things I’m afraid of. My mind suffers as promises of peace and victory are extinguished. God made me in such a way that I will only soar one way – when I make room for His Word, focus on it, and live on it.

 I was not made for fear. I was created for faith.

 I was not made to retreat. I was created to advance.

 I was not made for timidity. I was created for boldness.

 I was not made to preserve my physical life at all costs. I was created to hold my life loosely and live in anticipation of the kingdom.

Threats are many, daily. I may not even be aware of all of them. Some days I have the sense of holding my life in my hands, seeing how fragile I am. Other days, I perceive that I am strong and invincible yet God is protecting me on every side regardless of my perception. No matter what today holds, I make plenty of room inside ensure that I will soar on eagle’s wings. The Word of God and the breath of God made corpses rattle to life in Ezekiel’s vision. They will do the same for me when I smell more death than life. My part is to focus, to fight for faith.

I can’t afford to fear for one minute or fear takes me on its own journey. Help me learn to pull myself up short before I go down a disastrous path that crowds Your promises. Amen.

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Thursday, 12 August 2021.