A Creative Space

Originally published Friday, 07 August 2015.

"Guard well your spare moments. they are like uncut diamonds. discard them and their value will never be known. improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Coming in from a morning spent on the soccer field (well to be precise the sidelines!), I set to and tackled the kitchen which was very much showing evidence of a rushed exit from the house. Dishes and left over breakfast cluttered the bench. Walking back into the kitchen minutes later it was to discover that my creative 6 year old was already making use of the space to make marmalade!

The clean and clear kitchen bench was a creative space for him. In the same way once he has tidied his room within minutes the clear floor has inspired more creations. I looked at that now messy again kitchen bench with my son earnestly juicing oranges and all the ingredients he thought were needed piled around and felt God speak to me - creativity needs space.

Time for us just to be.

Is there breathing space on your desk? In your calendar? In your home? In your heart? Space for God to move and whisper the genesis of an idea in our hearts. Space to inspire, to dream and then to do.

Winnie the Pooh had it right when he said "Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you. And all you can do is go where they can find you."