Your Heavenly Father IS interested

Originally published Tuesday, 25 November 2014.

I write because it helps me, it’s kind of like free therapy! I connect with my Heavenly Father by writing, so I LOVE it with my whole heart! Sometimes it is good to share, hoping maybe it will help someone like you! But other times it is just for me, to work through the thoughts in my head!

If you don’t journal, I suggest you try it. I just scribble out all the things in my head like I am writing to God, sometimes I go on and on, but the good thing is, my Heavenly Father is interested! The Bible says I am the apple of His eye! AND so are YOU!

I use to send Him emails and text messages too, especially when I was desperate for Him and felt He was far.

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 31:6 that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

I know this, but sometimes my “feelings” make me “think” He is far from me.

It is just not true!

{Warning} this might sound weird!  One time I put GOD in my phone contacts and then typed my own phone number in there, so I could just shoot off a text to Him, whenever.  I just had to remind myself how accessible He really was to me.

I also use to “email” Him, when I would get upset. I would basically email myself, but talk to God! {call me crazy, but it helped me to remember the One who loves me and cares about me the MOST}

There is SOMETHING about getting “it” out of your head and into God’s hands. It is prayer, it just looks a little different than we traditionally think!

The Bible also says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”!

This is my favorite verse because it reminds me of my part of the communication.

This past week, I was “feeling” far from God and then just at the right time, someone pointed me back to scripture, basically instead of listening to me complain about feeling far from God, he just text me 3 books of the Bible.

At first I thought “does he want me to read these, right now?” and well the answer was YES.  He knew the only thing that would help was God and the best way to seek God is to read what He says.

God’s Word is living and active and it is our daily bread! No wonder I felt far from God, I didn’t feel like reading my Bible, but after I did what my friend suggested, I felt better, I felt more in tune with my Heavenly Father.

He is our Father in Heaven, He wants to spend time with us! Why do I forget?