A Promise in Pieces - A Review

Originally published Tuesday, 04 March 2014.


I had the great privilege of receiving a preview copy of Emily Wierenga’s debut novel, A Promise in Pieces, and let me tell you — it was an absolute delight to read.


The pages trace the tale of a woman named Clara, who reflects at the turn of the century on her life-changing experience as a young nurse during World War II.  Clara reveals the details of her memoir in a Caravan of relatives — an audience which includes her grandson, Noah, whose attention is locked on his grandmother’s life story.  The extended family has embarked on a road trip which will culminate in a momentous occasion, one that will publicly evidence the lasting fruit that has resulted from Clara’s life’s work.


Looking back on the decades, Clara re-lives the joy and the pain of her experiences, the regret of hesitation and the reward of stepping forth in faith.  She re-lives the immeasurable ramifications of the brutal war, and yet sees the Lord’s hand, sewing threads of hope into the remnants of worn, faded fabric.


With seamless precision, the author is able to weave back and forth between eras, like stitching two sides of a reversible quilt into one treasured piece of material.


A Promise in Pieces is a story of overcoming fear, of loving even when it’s risky, of forgiving even when it hurts, of remembering even when it’s sore.  It’s a story of God’s faithfulness, of His sovereignty, and of His power to save.


Author of Mom in the Mirror: Body Image, Beauty and Life After Pregnancy, Chasing Silhouettes: How to Help a Loved One Battling an Eating Disorder, and Save My Children: The Story of a Father’s Love, Emily’s first published novel comes across as naturally as breathing.  I envy her ability to write with such seemingly effortless fluidity.


With masterful grace, Emily carries her reader along as on a raft drifting down a winding, lazy river.  Her soothing voice flows with a current so gentle, you’ll be disappointed when your boat reaches the shore.


The effects of Emily’s craft could be likened to the feeling of an autumn leaf being lifted on the wings of the wind — yet that imagery would imply a haphazard, directionless course.  No, this story is intentional, and full of purpose.  Besides the beauty of the language, I particularly enjoyed seeing the full circle of sacrifice consummated by fulfillment, as portrayed in Clara’s narrative.


If you appreciate the art of good writing, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of A Promise in Pieces.  A delightful read indeed.


I heartily commend this book to you, and look forward to more gifts like these pouring forth from Emily’s gentle soul in the future.


From the author’s website


A Promise in Pieces releases April 15th, 2014 and is part of Abingdon Fiction’s Quilts of Love series, and I will be donating a percentage of all of the profits made from pre-orders to World Help’s Rescue Homes project, HERE.


ALSO, if you tweet or FB about your pre-order, using the hash-tag #PromiseInPieces, you will receive another Quilts book free of charge with your order!


To pre-order a copy of A Promise in Pieces, click here.

To find Emily online, visit emilywierenga.com.